It’s completely understandable that they hate us. Everything with them is projection, and they really think we would do to them the things they would do to us as soon as they can.

He is not unpredictable…

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It’s to the point that while reading the tweet I was already picturing the meme.

That really is gruesome to see. A white guy arguing a guilty af white guy should be saved from destitution because he is white.

and here I thought being a rude obnoxious narcissist was the reason they were voting for him (she said “your words not ours” I mean ffs it’s obvious as hell at this point but nope they gotta argue against that too)

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Nah they weren’t always like this.

if the south + AZ go red, Ohio blue prevents them from rigging PA to get there. (since that pretty safely assumes the north wall went hard blue) [though this also assumes NV, NM stayed and trump loses a close election but he wouldn’t be able to contest it other than lol make me leave and well gl with that)


not even like, “we want lower taxes when we win the lottery” just “fuck you if you’re smarter than dirt”

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It’s pretty much “voting for Hitler to own the libs” at this point


To be fair… if I were a stupid person I would hate smart people. The envy alone would be enough. It’s why every person who has ever called me smart in that suck up kind of way has gotten an earful about mental illness lol. They seem to actually appreciate the ‘there are a lot of different kinds of intelligence, and stuff like this is just my bag’ angle as well.

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Sounds like Bernie is shook too.

The senator depicted one scenario in which the president prematurely declared victory as results from in-person votes at the polls – historically counted within hours after they’ve closed – show a Trump lead in battleground states, while mail-in votes are declared invalid by GOP allies and his judicial appointees and electors defend him.

With the recent death of Supreme Court Justice leaving a vacancy on the nation’s high court, the president and Republican senators have vowed to quickly approve a replacement “who may very well cast a vote in a case that will determine the outcome of this election," Senator Sanders said.

“He is doing that at a time when early voting has already begun and millions of ballots will have already been cast.”

The senator also urged state election officials to begin processing mail-in ballots as soon as they get them and told news outlets to begin preparing Americans for the realities of a delayed result.

How long do we expect it to take to count mail in ballots? I remember someone saying weeks? Why would it take so long assuming most get there by election day or a day or two after at most.

I think there is a very low probability that civil unrest gets so high that there are supply chain disruptions. The probability is low but it’s such a bad outcome it’s worth preparing for.

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That’s the problem though. In many states they don’t have to get there by Election Day, they just have to be postmarked. I mean Arizona took a week in the midterms. This is much higher turnout.

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Well hopefully the vast majority of people have their shit together because this whole Trump is going to try and steal the election shit isn’t a secret anymore. Anyone who pays attention to politics knows about it now. I’d say the vast majority of democrats are aware of it, and probably worried about it at this point. It’s on all the news stations, in all the articles, lots of representatives and senators are talking about it.

So I’m hoping the vast majority mail in their ballots early if thats what they’re going to do.

Some states don’t allow counting before Election Day. Some allow processing (read: rejecting as many ballots from people who don’t deserve to vote according to the Secretary of State) before Election Day but not counting.

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Whats everyones plans if it happens, Trump flat out steals the election?

I’ll definitely be in the streets, and I think the protests will be a LOT bigger than people think. Pretty sure the vast majority of people who have been protesting for BLM know a Trump dictatorship would be extremely bad for them.

I think it’d be the BLM protests but at least twice as big, probably more. They won’t care about it being in demcorat run states though, we’d need to get everyone down to DC.

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Being in the streets sounds like the right plan but I wonder who the audience is? The right doesn’t care at all about protests. In fact, they are seen as evidence they are doing the right thing, not wrong thing.

You’d need uprisings significant enough that administration officials would fear for their lives if they didn’t resign.

I am not optimistic that this would happen in 2020 though, I think too many people would have the instinct to ride it out and see if the lawbros can file enough lawsuits to remove Trump. I honestly think it would take a decade of dictatorship and human right violations to get Americans to act.


Enough people protest or work strike and it would tank the economy.

Work strike is probably more important, work strike plus protesting should have an impact if we tank the economy and massive amounts of civil disobedience and make it clear we aren’t going away until they’re all gone.

Even then we need to do this before then. Once he stops trying to count ballots or sends it to the supreme court we need to take action