That Fox OH poll singlehandedly moved Biden’s chances of winning OH by 6 percentage points and turned it light blue. Nate’s model is pretty aggressive about smoothing out swongs, so that’s about as big a jump I’ve seen any one poll make. There wasn’t a corresponding move in Biden’s overall chances, mainly I think because OH is so far from being needed to win. But Trump needing to play defense there is excellent.


There is literally only one reason to do it before the election, so they have the supreme court in their back pocket to rule in their favor with rigging the election.

Thats a big part of what has me super shook. Doing it before the election is clearly a big mistake, unless you think you’re going to need the courts votes with a high degree of certainty.

Only other possible reason I could think of is maybe Mitch thinks this looks better and makes it less likely the dems retaliate via packing? That seems silly to risk the election over when you already got several dem senators saying they won’t do it.


It could be even simpler I guess. 6-3 Supreme Court is the endgame for them of a lock on a conservative country for generations. He has the votes now so he’s going to do it because while he likely has the votes after the election as well, why risk it? Senators could literally get sick, die, etc. there is a pandemic after all.

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Benghazi was the worst thing ever. They believed that Hillary Clinton KNEW something bad was coming, and did nothing! And FOUR people died! Can you imagine? Lock her up!




What was the last debate that moved public opinion at all? The first Romney/Obama debate? And that polling shift lasted what, 2 weeks?

He should mix up that is a lie a little since trump lies so much you don’t want Biden saying it’s a lie all the time… Something like here we go again with this guy, you did not get the name don the con for nothing.

What is the value of Trump having a stroke on stage?

This is the biggest match I’ve ever seen in one of these emails:

Usually they go with 200-300% but they really went big this time!

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Guarantee there is no match. It’s just a grift.

Lol yea of course.

Most of these grift emails (I used to post them a lot but they get filtered to spam now) even break down the math for you at the end too.

Think you’ve just sold me that Ohio could actually matter, which I didn’t think was possible.

Depends on how many alcohol stocks you own, because there would be a fucking party.


Probably Clinton/Bush – How has the deficit affected you? although possibly Bush/Gore “lockbox” debate.

One weird thing is that I expect all the voter suppression attempts in the courts to be focused on PA/MI/WI. They’re also all controlled by Dem governors and Secretaries of State and may pursue vote by mail more aggressively, thus making themselves more vulnerable. Thus there’s a chance that red states relying on traditional voter suppression are less able to suppress the vote there than Trumpy judges are able to in PA/MI/WI.

There will absolutely be a Trump to vote against, but it’ll be rigged. We’ll convince ourselves that maybe it won’t be, but it will be.

Because someone in the room secretly isn’t comfortable with it.

What do you expect to happen to necessitate stocking up on household staples? Just the massive protests?

Update: after like 7 phone calls, I have gotten it done. I can now confirm that I am registered to vote in person in my new town and that my registration and mail-in request in Philadelphia are both cancelled.

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 I will be in line 60-90 minutes before polls open and voting in person for Joe Biden in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!


My friend is hiring an assistant. One of the applicants last item on their resume was volunteering for a 2020 candidate.

Kanye West

He spoke on stage at a rally about some world issues, and was offered a spot at the next rally.

I’m begging her to interview him and share the story.

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A middle aged white lady I’m friendly with who I used to think was super nice outside of politics shared a 2,000 word screed today. I’m sharing just the opening paragraph because it says it all. My question is did Trump turn these people into the hateful fucks they are, or did they always hate us simply because we believe in liberal ideals?

If you are a liberal who can’t stand Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why anyone would ever vote for him, let me fill you in. It’s not that we love Donald Trump so much. It’s that we can’t stand you.
And we will do whatever it takes even if that means electing a rude, obnoxious, unpredictable, narcissist (your words not ours) to the ounce of President of the United States because the thing we find more dangerous to this nation than Donald Trump is you.