That message is definitely in the bloodstream. I was talking with my stepmom the other day and, as if she were mentioning that the sky was blue, she just casually asserted that Biden will never really take office, because, as soon as he is sworn in he’s going to step down for health reasons.

Lol Dave Wasserman


(He’s really good at polling stuff but apparently not so good at “noticing obvious shit happening in front of his face.”)


The media is going to jump straight from not really talking about what is obvious to:


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Glenn Beck was terrifying today. Literally telling his listeners that shooting range owners have been telling him about large amounts of Antifa and BLM folks practicing with their guns for a violent revolution. He was dead serious, and as a long time AM radio masochist, it was honestly some of the most ridiculous fear porn I’ve ever heard.

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I appreciate AM radio trip reports like this, as I never listen to it.

Considering that the “civil war is coming” spiel is coming from people across the mass media spectrum(within America’s Overton Window), my initial reaction is to assume that it’s driven by the endless pursuit of clicks, ears, and eyeballs.

People been getting high on outrage for years, and now everyone’s tolerance is so high, that they need something even more outraging. After mainlining Trump for years, then they need that pandemic fear because it’s so close to that old high, and now it’s like you know what’ll get you higher than pandemic fear…that uncut civil war shit.


I’ve managed to all but eliminate consumption of the TV and radio media, but it would really go a long way if they would simply ignore Trump and stop airing him and stop putting his surrogates on TV. Obviously this will never happen.

If shit does get really bad maybe we can get a compound? Not like crazy gun nut compound but like hippy lets take acid and have crops compound.


That’s definitely one of the segments I heard and I agree it was terrifying.




If news organizations report exit polls for the general election (as they have done in the past), and if Republicans are heavily overrepresented in the population of election day voters (as all indications suggest), then the media will be doing Trump a big favor.


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Here’s the latest stats on plans to vote by mail that I’ve found:

  • As a result of changes to the USPS, including the removal of mail sorting machines and mailboxes, 33% of likely battleground voters intend to vote by mail, compared to 38% from the last survey.
  • Democrats have shifted the most over the past two weeks with 57% of likely battleground voters saying they intend to vote by mail, which was down 7 points since the last survey.

This is from: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/26/cnbc-and-change-research-release-results-of-latest-states-of-play-poll.html

There’s a more recent wave of the poll from September 9. The overall vote by mail rate is 33%, but they don’t break it out by party. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/09/cnbc-and-change-research-release-results-of-latest-states-of-play-poll.html

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Lol fuck off Mitt


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Fucking do something about it Mittens!

If there is any positive news from today, its that Trump saying it out loud probably makes it marginally less probable he gets away with it.




This is a perfect illustration of the difference between never Trump Republicans and Trump. Rampant voter suppression going on and outright election rigging, destroying mailboxes, etc. Mittens says nothing, Trump says he’s not going to give up the office, Mittens grabs his smelling salts.

Trump is definitely his own worst enemy. He got an absolute gift in the SCOTUS opening to move the news cycle away from his failures, and he’s already blowing it.


As an economist, this is kind of a random list of Nobel Laureates