I wonder if mainstream democratic politicians have the spine to respond to attempts post-election to replace electors with talks of secession. I wonder if even people like the squad members will do it. Everyone should be treating election week as a repeat of March and stocking up on household staples.


Trump campaign legal adviser who spoke to The Atlantic said that in this scenario, “the state legislatures will say, 'All right, we’ve been given this constitutional power. We don’t think the results of our own state are accurate, so here’s our slate of electors that we think properly reflect the results of our state.”

we dont think these are accurate based on fantasies in our heads teehee

Yeah… canned goods for sure.

As much as I’d like to think the Democrats are formulating a sound strategic response behind closed doors, history tells us that is extremely unlikely.

Be fair the Obama people were pretty competent. They just didn’t think Hillary could lose to Donald fucking Trump.

100% this. It’s a trial balloon to see reactions and attempt to normalize

God I hope we somehow prevent a dictatorship

That’s one of the scariest articles I’ve ever read.

Reposting the link bc everyone should read it.

Yup. Same reason Trump keeps floating the idea that he just won’t accept election results.

Also just to be clear, the argument that the “constitution allows this” is bullshit. Not that it matters, but the constitution does give it to the states… but the states have their own constitutions and laws, and none of those constitutions or laws allow for this.

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i can’t man i just can’t





This is by far the most tin foil hat-y thing I’ve ever said, but…was there an autopsy performed on RBG? I know she was near 90 years old, battled multiple forms of cancer, and had been sick recently, but I would not be the least bit surprised to learn that her death was helped along by someone who wanted her seat open asap.

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There are dirty windows in front of our building at the university that never get cleaned. I saw somebody wrote like rush this fraternity. So I wrote VOTE on one. Next day I saw Biden written next to vote, I’m like hell yeah. Today I see (dimentia) written next to Biden. Fuckin rubbed that shit off, wtf young people


I’m going Occam’s all day here.

Awval: Points, not yards.

I feel like more than a few people HERE are really discounting what is about to happen. Hell Chapo’s most recent episode even somewhat discounted Donnie outright stealing the election.

Thinking Biden or Chuck and Nancy are somehow going to save us from what is coming just seems completely insane to me. And like Covid I don’t think really any of our population believes it can happen here. It most definitely can and we are on the brink of it.

I sampled some AM radio today. All of the usual suspects are beating the civil war drum, advising people to stock up on dried food, guns and ammo and talking about how this election is do or die. If it does come to something like that one side will be prepared and it won’t be our side. I also think lying about Dems burning all the cities down is deliberate and will be used as justification for what is to come.


I didn’t feel like they discounted it really. More that if current polling is correct that it’d be impossible to steal. Paging narrator, etc

The general population has reached the ultimate level of complacency where they feel like nothing bad could really happen that would upset the balance of normalcy right now. They believe that America, as it is today, will always be this way for them; boring, stable, lucrative. No amount of warning will ever destabilize these feelings. They won’t understand until it’s too late.

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I guess I heard that as discounting the likelihood. They certainly said it was possible but needed several highly correlated events to all happen to get us there. I think Virgil specifically discounted high ranking non-Trump GOP members going along with it which seemed extremely naive to me.

Isn’t that just a typical Wednesday for you?

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