Dems should look for ways to file COVID-related lawsuits and craft the narrative that another conservative justice will rubber stamp any Trump COVID policy.

The cases don’t need to have a strong chances of winning; they just need to keep Trump’s miserable polcies in the news. We just need to shut up the lawbros about the validity of the cases.

I literally just called his SLC number and basically cried how disappointed I was with his treatment of Trump since impeachment. How the whitehouse is interfering with covid response science, how Trump is threatening the validity of the election etc. mentioned how I was born in Michigan while his Dad was gov.

Won’t do a damn thing but I feel better.

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lmao Nate



Wrong you giant pussball.




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Just grotesque tweet. I’m so fucking sick of these people. Biden can go fuck himself and crawl in a hole. I’m going to make actual cash donations to the Democratic party in this race but I’m totally wiping my ass with the bills first because anyone who is close enough to the party to be in a cash-collecting position deserves to be shit upon.


I mean his opponent just fucking said he won’t peacefully transfer power. How many times in human history has that threat been carried out and not ended in violent force being the ultimate arbiter? Also, let’s not forget Grandpa Joe voted to kill a million innocent Iraqis. Same thing I always say but there are no fighters on the left, just cowards who will seize any fleeting chance to blow the police and military that will be used violently against us to steal everything we have.

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Wait til you see her unveil Magnum

Joe is just playing his part guys. You can’t be too hard on him.

He has to denounce violence against the police. Certainly the point has nuance but he can not afford to split hairs.

Do we know who shot the police? An actual protestor? A random whacko? A 17 year old militia kid from Illinois?


This seems like a bad line for Joe, because cops are likely to be one of the entities that enforce Trump’s claims that the election results don’t matter and he should keep being President anyway. Joe had to say that democracy is worth fighting for.

I don’t think this is right. Joe has to present a veneer of support for the police.


Maybe. If respect for democracy and respect for police are in conflict what should we do?

How about just saying nothing about the police shot? How about getting his ass out to a protest over this. There is a wide ocean between being anti-police and going out of your way to bend the knee.

He is playing the part he thinks he is supposed to play. He isn’t taking a stand on anything and it makes him weak.


We? That’s a different question than what should Joe do. Like, look at Trump, up until recently he would always throw out some little thing to allow people to cling to to create deniability of what Trump’s intentions were. Like the “I assume some are decent” comment about Mexicans being rapists and murderers.

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Why write the tweet at all? What does it accomplish? To try and head off Fox News and AM radio from blasting him for it? They are going to do it anyways.

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It doesn’t matter what Fox News says. I don’t think Joe a leftist, but even if he was, the correct play would be to make some overt gestures about supporting the police until he gets in power because there are plenty of people in his coalition who like the police or at least aren’t openly hostile to them, so he need to throw them something to cling to. People believe what they want to believe on this shit, you just have to give them a little something to support it.

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There is no point in further antagonizing the police if you’re Joe Biden 40 days out. I obviously agree with you guys on the underlying issues but if he’s not going to talk about health care or whatever, his job is to get out of the way and let Trump dominate the race with a string of own goals.

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Ok but when Trump isn’t doing his plausible deniability thing, he’s unabashedly racist. He needs to occasionally talk about the black unemployment rate being so low because people rightfully assume he is a racist from everything else he does. Importantly, the racists know he is still on their side.

Activists have no reason to think Biden is on their side. Nothing Biden has ever said or done would make them think he is. So Biden is pandering to a group of police supporters who are never, ever, in a MILLION YEARS going to vote for him, and in the process is alienating the real swing voters he needs to worry about which is the left wing of his party.

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