You know, as easy as it is to shit on this country, and believe me I do it daily, it’s worth fighting to save it. I truly believe that.

There are so many good people in America. It’s easy to forget that most people want no part of this bullshit. Everything they’re trying to do is wildly unpopular.

I am so fucking demoralized. I’m sad, angry and depressed. Caring so much is without question fucking up my mental health. But good people can’t disengage now.


R’s don’t have a charismatic smart person in the queue currently, cotton is way too dull for that base.

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The beauty of the average memory for this stuff is that she can retweet the exact same tweet on election day and still accomplish what you describe

Says my wishful thinking that she will do this

They should be using kompromat or straight up voting to expel Feinstein and other fuckheads. Stakes is high.


I’m there too, man. Even my mom is getting in a bad place over this shit. She said tonight “I’ve never had this much hate and anger in me before.”

It’s just a nonstop barrage if bad news and mental abuse for those of us paying attention. This supreme court hypocrisy has pushed it over the edge.


Dammit, I just did the Between Two Ferns deep dive a couple weeks ago. Now I have to do it again.

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There is no shortage of 8chan posters with law degrees

Ron Johnson’s bullshit investigation is out, and surprise, its a total airball.

Fuck wtf

Have they ever? I am struggling to think of a prominent Republican figure since Reagan that would generally be considered “charismatic”. Donnie Dumb Dumb is in the manner of a narcissist/used car salesman, but being a good bullshiter isn’t really charisma. Mitt is ok but his public persona is very wooden. McCain seemed to sell more of a gruff/tough/fighter image. W was chummy but ridiculed nonstop for stumbling all over his own words and generally struggling to convey a coherent thought.

Certainly none of these dudes could schmooze and work a crowd like Bill Clinton or Obama. Or even Joe really.

This is pretty fucking terrible.

Expect a Trump bounce from the SC stuff. Anything that gets coronavirus and the disastrous economy off the news is HUGELY beneficial to Trump.

A+ pollster. Yikes.

Who are these people who’ve suddenly been turned on to Trump (or away from Biden)? It’s hard to imagine floating voters right now.

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Well it’s going to be about that seat till the election. Especially with the trial. Dem media will focus on it.

Were in big trouble.

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As I said before lots of suburban type votes and conservative women left him for Biden over covid and possibly the economy. There are a ton of voters that could come crawling back to trump. Pro life people who also dont like the racism.

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at least we’re getting all the terrible news in late September. just enough time to come to conclusion with inevitable demise and not get our hopes crushed in November.

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