I am more optimistic than most here and I have completely written off Georgia.

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how you feeling about Ohio, Riverman?

Borderline hopeless. If Biden wins Ohio hes on his way to 350+ electoral votes - not really a swing state.


You aren’t wrong but GA hasn’t gone blue in almost 30 years. Seems more surprising to me.

Yeah, OH is not in play unless it’s a blowout.

The naked ballot thing in PA isn’t great, but we have to remember that there is also voter suppression for in-person voting. E.g., having really long lines at urban polling places. Anyone have an idea of how bad that was in PA in 2016?



I’m not quite as hopeless as an Ohioan. It feels different than 2016 here. I was certain Clinton was drawing dead here in 2016. Biden feels like a dog this year but not an extreme longshot.

I live in a place that is probably 75%+ Republican. I have not seen a single yard sign for Trump or Lady G. At least people know they should be ashamed.

Is it possible the voter suppression via long lines in urban areas won’t be as bad with more mail in voting? That’s about the most positive thought I can come up with right now.

If Dems win OH, then they’re also going to win FL, GA, NC, and maybe IA. We’d be looking at a 370+ blowout.

In related news:


It’s hard to overstate how critical PA is this election.


I’m really, really down today. Feeling very hopeless.

Unless Biden wins within a day or two of the election date, it’s over. Once it gets to the courts, that’s curtains.

Democrats have to get out the word to vote in person. I have not yet seen this.


On that bad case 290 map if Biden loses PA he still wins with 270, those one evs from Maine and Nebraska will be crucial.

i came here to post this same thing. it’s like the lead-up to the iraq war, everybody was talking about it, and that reinforced people to talk about it more and take it seriously and then we fuckin did it. like rn ted cruz is thinking about contesting the election so much he blurted out his whole gameplan to stephanopolous on tv. everyone on the right is thinking about it obv, the guys at wapo/nyt are running war games where it happens, biden is preparing for the legal fight, and he’d be a dope not to, and nyt/wapo would be dumb not to, but it’s all contributing to no matter what, even a dem landslide, maybe ESPECIALLY in a dem landslide, trump will contest it and somehow it’ll go to the courts and then it’s anything goes, i mean they got kavanaugh up there who thinks the clintons are paying homeless people to spy on him and hide his eyeglasses from him at home


Like this is really not good. Political malpractice.


This is an entirely plausible electoral map.

Great job Maine splitting electoral college votes. A+, assholes.

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I’m already to the acceptance stage. I guess I will keep relentlessly following the next 2-3 months but it is more about the trainwreck aspect of it than any possibility of anything positive happening.

The absolute best case scenario from my perspective is this:

-Biden wins and some how it isn’t overturned by the SC.
-6-3 Supreme court for the rest of our lives basically.
-Dems narrowly win the Senate and win the house

That results in what exactly? Kicking the can down the road a couple more years while the Supreme Court slowly dismantles the ACA, abortion rights and worse? There is a 0% chance a narrowly divided Senate does anything meaningful with some of the fossils rattling around in the Dem senate caucus.




She should’ve saved that for election night. It’s a tight race, Biden needs Arizona’s EC votes to put him over the top. She posts that tweet, then the McCain WWE thumbs-down video, Arizona’s points go on the board, Biden wins.