PA has 2 envelopes, a secrecy and a normal mailing one. The ballot must be inside the secrecy one (which is then put in the mailing envelope) to count. A naked ballot is one sent only in the normal envelope.

Seems like a voter suppression thing to me, but I don’t know the history.


wtf, why would that make them not count?

bc if it’s not in the secrecy envelope, then ???


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Is that her scary face, smiling face or just regular face? Honestly can’t tell.


That’s her Blue Steel.


Biden isn’t this planet’s savior when it comes to the climate.

He’s not an advocate for the GND, he won’t regulate fracking and takes funding from big oil.

Will he be better than tRUmp? Well, that’s not that high of a bar, he’ll be like a band aid on a gunshot victim.

My biggest fear is that eDems win back both chambers and the white house yet get nothing done to fix the systemic issues that made tRUmp possible to begin with and 4-8 years later we see an actual competent sociopath in the white house who is able to consolidate fascist power absolutely.


Progressives for the most part know who Joe Biden is, it’s not like he can convince them he’s anywhere near Bernie on most issues they care about. He’s still way better than Trump.

But trying to sell himself to progressives seems like it would be a mistake. This feels like his best move.

Not better for anyone currently living.

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This is pretty much what I was trying to say, but something was obviously lost in gif translation.

Your biggest fear is basically my best case scenario for the next 4 years. Dems take congress and WH, filibuster stays because lol Manchin and Feinstein. No systemic changes can be passed with the filibuster in place. The crumbling economy completely collapses. Dems get blamed for not being able to stop the Trump induced collapse. Repubs take back the house and possibly the senate in ‘22 (the senate map favors Dems in 2 years). Gridlock and continued sluggish economy continues till ‘24. Enter charismatic smart social path to complete the fall of democracy in the second half of the decade.

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Lol come on bro, last two should be flipped. We voted Obama twice, Gore and Bill x2.

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Yeah, tied in GA is is way crazier than tied in IA.

So I know we like to hate on Joe, and he has a lot of issues, but this is absolutely the right answer


Wookie has jumped the shark when he is memeing Vermont polls and ties.

I’m thinking Selzer is what took Iowa to the top of the meme.

I think you’re underestimating both that 538 has consistently had IA as a less likely Biden win than GA, and also that Selzer is one of the very best pollsters, while UGA is basically a startup as a pollster.