I read the whole thread - where’s the part where she shows that it was the GOP and the Kremlin who were doing anything?

I think Trump winning made it seem like his brand of politics is socially acceptable and it gave them “permission” to put their brand of politics on public display. Hence the sudden rush of alt-right weirdos holding tiki torch rallies and whatnot.

Like, IIRC, awval kept quiet about being a Trumper until Trump started polling close to Hillary in the election. Now he’s an out and proud MAGA chud.

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gjge waiting until 2 weeks before the registration deadline for this

Several weeks ago, I emailed the president of my opco (has a few hundred people) asking if we could give people time off for voting and send around information about how to register and vote. I thought nothing would come of it when he didn’t mention on a recent town hall call.

Today, an email went out from the head HR person of our parent company, saying that employees can take a day off to vote or work polls and including a link to one of the voter info sites I suggested. The parent company has tens of thousands of employees, most in the U.S. I don’t think I can take full credit for this – it’s probably the results of lots of people asking for the same thing. But it’s good to see that these types of requests can have results.


Yeah, Romney predicting a Trump win is about as promising for the GOP as a certain someone predicting eDem action on impeachment after the Mueller Report was for us. In other words, none too promising.


Listen Mack, when those ungrateful millennials wanted healthcare and college, I beat them. I beat them fair and square.

Also straight out of his mouth, if you have problems with the Obama deportation model, go and vote for Trump.

Everyone who makes a left shaming post about voting for Biden, I assume you’ve already made 5x the efforts to tell Biden that he does in fact need to offer material things to the 100m non voters in this country if he wants to win


Let the record show I’ve been predicting the possibility of a TX call in the wee hours sealing it for Biden. They’ll have way way fewer mail-in votes to count.

“I beat the socialist,” is definitely the GTO response right now.


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I came here to post this.

He’s really doing a lot to bring in that progressive vote.

What a fucking moron, still thinking moderate republicans are his key to victory.

He’s making it hard for me to vote for him.

Then he would be in contempt of Congress.


I’m sure you can muster up the strength.

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It’s time for another exciting episode wherein we remove the name from the post and force contestants to identify whether it was posted by Preet or simplicitus.

(all in good humor I hope simp)

I’m sure I will end up holding my nose and voting for him anyway.

But it’s statements like this that make me wonder if maybe it would be better if we let the whole fascism thing run its course, burn down the institutions and build back what’s left once it gets run into the ground.

I’d rather have an incompetent fascist like tRUmp than a more intelligent, capable one such as Tom Cotton.

Well, on the other hand we have a full-blown CLIMATE CRISIS, so it’s imperative that Biden gets…

elected so…

so that…


Here’s an update in case anyone was wondering. I got in contact with a group of young lawyers who are assisting the FRRC in doing the research to make sure all the people they have in their list don’t have disqualifying felony convictions (the amendment excluded murder convictions or felony sexual offenses). Basically we are checking the court dockets where these folks were convicted to make sure they are eligible. It turns out one of the organizers of the attorneys is a friend of mine from law school.

I got signed up and she sent me a list of names this morning. I had about a half hour during lunch and got got one name cleared. It’s pretty easy and fun, if you like internet research. Also, it feels way more constructive than phone banking or poll watching.

I’ve recruited a few friends, one of whom is an attorney with a high profile plaintiff’s firm. He’s recruiting some people from there, and we are going to see if they are willing to donate more money to the fund. The deadline to register to vote is October 5, so we are going to try to get as many people cleared as we can before then. It’s unclear whether they will keep going after, but I don’t see why not.


This is bad



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Oh, and the fees, as you all are aware are fucking unconscionable. These were the fees assessed to the first guy I researched:

They charge you to apply for a public defender.

What’s a naked ballot?

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