read this thread


then go watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix

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Lol. Members of Mensa are always fucking idiots. Actual smart people dont join Mensa.


I think its more insecure people looking for validation join Mensa

But yeah I think a lot of that propaganda worked on the left but I think its going to work on a lot, lot less this time.

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Anyone who touts their Mensa membership as evidence of their intelligence is a stone cold fucking idiot, 100% of the time.


Also, smart people don’t say “I’m smart.”


I love that y’all cue on that one stupid detail and seem to overlook the entire message of the thread.


it’s the internet, I’m here to dunk on things like mensa and that lady running for congress who used single handily trying to dunk on AOC


So much this.

No, you’re right, it was a good thread otherwise, but that “and I’m super smart guys, I’m in Mensa and I’m a rocket scientist!” comment was super fucking tilting. Like, if she had just said she was educated and listed her fucking education it would have been a lot more effective.


Like, you know what kind of person joins Mensa? David fucking Sklansky. That’s the kind of person.


I thought about joining mensa when I was a slightly asbergy 12 year old… then realised it was a terrible idea.

Now imagine being dumber than that.

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I read through the entire tweet thread. I’ll share a couple of thoughts on it.

She lists “sinister ways” that she believes are being used to manipulate people into doing something bad. In this case “bad” = not voting for her preferred candidate.


Take note of:

Point #6 In her opinion it is “sinister” when others are “Telling you to stick to your principals”. Meanwhile, when she encourages people to vote for her preferred candidate, then apparently not sticking to their principals can be a good thing. Let that sink in.

Point #7: “Blaming institutions” is also “sinister”. Are the DNC or IC blameless institutions that can not be criticized? Best I shut up and not disparage them, lest I be accused of being sinister.



I enjoyed the part where she accused the “far left” of being like the “far right” because allegedly(she presents no evidence for this claim) they want Trump to win. I suppose using an bogeyman term to identify a group of people like the “far left” allows someone to lob verbal bombs that paint the group as 1) being like the “far right” AKA fascists, 2) having a monolithic opinion about who they’d prefer as POTUS. Small sample size, but of the half dozen self-identifying socialists and communists that I know, none of them want Trump to win. Zero, zilch, nada.

It’s fascinating that she’s now able to identify ways in which social media algorithms and messaging were able to manipulate her in the past, while currently using all the new eDem messaging that she presently agrees with. A moment of reflection would possibly allow her to consider that the manipulation hasn’t ended.


That woman is a fucking moron. Obviously social media is toxic poop but take some god damn responsibility for being stupid.


They say “I’m fucking smart”.

~Jeffery Skilling


Damn this one stings.

Half of my responses to people on Twitter are: “I’m smart.” (quotation marks used in response, but there was no great way to represent that, because I’m smart.)

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Need one of those @MrWookie McMahon memes



Shout out @spidercrab !>

In affluent suburbs, such as Dublin northwest of Columbus, 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney won by almost 20 percentage points. Four years later, Trump narrowly lost to Clinton. Less than two months before the 2020 election, Republicans were concerned about signs the trend in Dublin has continued, according to several GOP operatives following legislative and congressional races.

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100% of my twitter responses are me insulting people on a burner account that miraculously hasn’t been banned yet


fuck you bitch

its an average you fucking moron

are you triggered, snowflake?

shut your fucking mouth, moron

shut up loser

worthless fuck boi

what kind of simp ass shit is this tweet lol

“quasi inside job hit” you are a fucking idiot

delusional bullshit

bahahaha that is some delusional shit. the guy who owns a 75 million dollar 3 story gold penthouse in a downtown manhattan skyscraper with his name on the front doesn’t give a fuck about you.

you are stupid

The cops aren’t going to fuck you bro, let it go

Cool story bro but my question was how do pictures speak and not what is the origin of the term DJT JR. is misusing?

Can you imagine a dumbass making up some bullshit can you imagine question to pretend to be smart?

hey dipshit you’re watching a video that is evidence of his guilt. hope this helps!

If this is a real question you’re a complete moron. Yes she honestly believes that only donald j. trump supporters can become radicalized and it is literally impossible for anyone else to become radicalized on facebook. You are actually stupid for asking this question.