
they had a billion. Lighting $$$ on fire like only Trump can.

Grifting is the only growth industry in America these days.

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You’re in Canada now right?

Might as well get back to meming to pretend that votes will actually be counted properly.


looked these up, 48 to 44 in the GREAT STATE OF ALABAMA, EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

538 shows it as B/C pollster

Yeah, that’s why I called them a rando. Also looks like most of those polls are pretty old. On the plus side though, Trump +4 was from late August, when Trump was at his very best polling per 538.

How long until we see the effects in the supreme court seat in the polling?

Also will it change even more with all the hearings?

I am not aware of any arguments as to why the SCOTUS seat would have any material impact on polling. I’m open to hearing any.

I’m not sure it will either just scared. Like how impeachment somehow massively improved trumps approval.

Just the fact it gets his failures out of the news. Maybe a bunch of people who left trump because his coronavirus and economy failures come running back to daddy for the nomination? I dunno just stressed. This is our whole ass democracy on the line


Got a text today from someone who asked if I knew anyone that had fees or costs that needed to be paid so they could vote (I’m in Florida and Republicans are disenfranchising felons by requiring them to pay their fees before they can vote). I told her I didn’t know anyone, but that I’d donate to the fund, and she sent me this link:

Edit: not the link she sent me since that one now comes up to a site with my name on it, but the site I posted is the org.

I donated $100. I figured I pass it along in case anyone else was interested in donating. I checked their website and it seems like a decent group of folks running it.


Probably a week or so. Polling firms vary wildly with when they publish vs. when the poll was taken. A lot o polls that come out this week will be before Black Friday.

we still haven’t had senate report on hunter biden
durham investigation coming down on someone

shit gonna get wild and more wild from here

Do we have a consensus on the most effective way to give money, beyond competitive senate races? For example, are there any good places to donate towards the coming legal fight?

Fox News reporting Romney predicts Trump will win reelection. LOL Mittens. Nothing will save you. Nothing.

The Biden campaign and the DNC are heading the legal efforts, just give to them.

well, he seriously believed he was going to beat Obama too


I mean, many people on here are predicting that trump will “win” re-election. That doesn’t mean Mittens supports him.

No you’re right, and it’s a bit of a nitpick, but the play in his position isn’t to say he predicts Trump will win as an observation. It’s to say he can’t win, he shouldn’t win, and we’re counting on voters to ensure he doesn’t.

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