Probably ponied but this is cool


He should appear to be “late” and let Trump walk out on stage alone. Then an explosion from above and a flash of light. It’s Biden! He’s parachuting down amidst a fireworks show of red white and blue that of course at the end forms the Biden 2020 campaign logo in full color.


Okay so I have some potentially good news. My ultra-deplorable father in law has cracked. He carried one of those stupid cards that let him get away with not wearing a mask unless you asked a single question about the card’s legitimacy. When a mask mandate came down, he wore a Trump 2020 branded mask. You see what I’m saying.

But he is a war veteran, and the president called him and the friends who didn’t come back suckers and losers. He took Trump at his word that this virus thing was being overblown, but now Trump said himself back in March that this thing is a killer. He doesn’t know if he’s voting for Biden, but he says he’s not voting for Trump again.

Of course we say a vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump etc etc, and yeah let’s believe he didn’t vote for Trump if he actually doesn’t, but this is what he’s saying in private conversations. If a bunch of people are like him and sit out 2020 instead of vote for Trump, that’s gotta be a win, no?


Is he aware of the supreme court shit? Has that had any affect? Personal anecdote but thats huge. What state?

Surprised he believes the suckers and losers bit. I figured nobody who supports him would believe it without Kelly or someone coming and and admitting it. But sounds like the Woodward tapes convinced him Trump is definitely a lying son of a bitch.

Ah well to be fair he made those comments before RBG. A lot has happened in the last couple of days. Idk man. Like I will also add that his wife is still a die-hard Trump supporter amidst everything, and guess what? He has had enough of her, too. I think this is perhaps the dam breaking for a lot of people, because if it could break for him, it could break for some people we thought unreachable.

Again, I have no idea yet how RGB’s death affects his calculation.

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Why doesn’t he believe Trump when he says the “suckers and losers” story is fake news? I heard he’s got 23 people who swear it didn’t happen.

I mean I like the outcome, but I’m not sure how widespread it’s going to be. If you have the insight to stop believing Trump at this point it sort of means acknowledging that you’ve been the sucker all along.

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I hope the RBG shit doesn’t pull him and a lot like him back in, is he super pro life?

If people aren’t super pro life maybe this is the dam breaking.

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Could be because the woodward tapes make them realize he’s been bullshitting them this whole time because he hasn’t denied that.


I think it’s that they’ve known he’s been corrupt and full of shit all along, but they’ve hit their limit. Some of these things hit the right nerve for people that unfortunately his brazen racism does not.

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600k likes lol



they’ve got it all planned out. the election has gotta go to the supreme court so the counting doesn’t last too long.

Is there any possible way Biden can win election day votes, or is that d.o.a. given the mail in ballot poll numbers? Our one shot here may be a Biden victory on Nov 3rd that would only increase as mail ballots are counted.

fuckin pissed. i may hazmat it up and vote in person but i’ve been on a great roll isolating. having the time of my life tbh


The only way is if enough Democrats realize what’s happening and show up in person.

The Democratic Party absolutely must stop any and all “mail in voting is safe and secure” messaging and flip to “vote in person.” Its tricky though because they can’t appear to agree that there are problems with mail in voting.

I’m voting in person obviously.


Yea I’m 100% not mailing my ballot. My current plan is to hand deliver my mail ballot, but I have to figure out if that’s as good/safe as voting day of in person.

ya like, i mean i’m lucky to have the option of this special mailbox being available 24/7 up until 8pm election night. but i want to do everything i can to make sure my vote gets counted on like cnn and shit 11/3


I’ve gotten a few people in PA to switch to in person, hopefully a lot of people do. I mean who knows at this point, there’s so much chaos. I’m really hoping Biden takes some deep red states that are mostly in-person, so the count is all in on election night - like Texas.

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Yeah, I really hope that it’s absolutely indisputable by like midnight on the 3rd.

If the outcome rests on a few thousand votes in some southeastern Pennsylvania counties, I really fear for what comes next.


0%, nobody is willing to die like their side is.

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