Found it… :pensive:

Ginsburg dead.

To be fair, with all those guns on him in that exact moment & even he knows that, wouldn’t the worst of them just buckle… 🏃‍♂ :grin:


I don’t think McConnell can push someone through before the election. Too many vulnerable senators up for re-election who will balk at being forced to take that vote. The lame duck is another question.

True but a lot of us also make low six figures in places where rent is like triple what a lot of people here who make less are paying. 100-150K isn’t a shit ton of money in a big city in a blue state on either coast. You’re going to clear approximately 2/3 of that after federal/state/local taxes, and then you’re going to pay like $2K or more in rent/mortgage.

I’m not trying to do the WSJ woe is the family making $1M thing here, you’re not starving on $100K anywhere, but the divide in cost of living is pretty big between those areas and the rest of America.

I also think there should be a phase-in. Like the first 3-5 years you make > 100K should be taxed less than the ones after that IMO. Give people a chance to invest in a house, retirement, etc.

A handful of us here could do a damn good job strategically on ads/messaging, we just need a kickass video editor and someone with fundraising experience. Then we could start a PAC or a SuperPAC and do our thing.

Dukes of Hazzard slide across the hood obviously. Then NASCAR jump into the driver’s seat.

I have a theory I came up with today: polling on enthusiasm is flawed. They’re mostly asking if people are enthusiastic to vote for Biden. We’re not. But ask me if I’m enthusiastic to vote against Trump and I’ll tell you that I will walk barefoot across red hot broken glass in short sleeves in a blizzard maskless in a pandemic into a burning building with a tornado bearing down on it during an earthquake to vote that piece of shit out.


The problem isn’t that some people make 100k-200k in our system. The problem is that the median household income in the US is 63,179 and the per capita GDP in the US is 54629. There are 328.2M people in the US but only 128.58M households in the US so the median citizen is keeping less than a third of the GDP they create. The difference between the median worker and me is that I keep 60%+ of the profit (in capitalism this is seen as being the same as value, I don’t want to debate that because obviously the answer is it depends) I create.

Flattening out the economy isn’t just going to help out people in desperate poverty… it’s going to take a ton of people currently making 50-75k and have them join those of us who make 100-200k. If there’s anything I’m sure of it’s that there are an awful lot of people making 50-75k who are also absolutely carrying their entire organization and they deserve way more money.

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Taking a break from the politics threads for a week.

But if we are not all fucked my lol prediction is that Biden wins easily, meow chow lawsuits, Roberts refuses to hear case and biden sworn in. Then someone “convinces” a conservative to retire in 2021. GOP would much prefer that to more justices.

Nice early turn out you got there. It’d be a shame if something were to happen to it.


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I like your timeline; too bad it’s not realistic and that will all be the opposite of what you said

There is a solution to this problem.

ok, I laughed



Joe needs to show up to the debate with his tax returns and a phlebotomist And get a blood draw on stage then challenge Trump to do the same.

Maybe bring out some stairs and a ramp. Heck he should come out in boxing shorts and a robe. Eye of the Tiger bitch.


He should ride a bike on stage then jog down a vaseline covered ramp while giving Trump the finger.


This might be the most effective Biden ad to date.

They released a statement saying RBG should not be replaced until after the election. It was a pretty decent statement tbh