Yeah and hilariously enough this was the other team’s idea! They trolled democrats into wasting their lives hearing out the other side and going high when they go low only to lose the presidency and not see republicans budge an inch on anything.

If we had ranked choice voting for the primary, anyone think Bernie actually wins that? I imagine someone looked into this based on polling at the time.

The Republicans not passing anything and then having Trump pass expanded UE via executive order is such an incredible freeroll for them. It’s the kind of smart game playing that the Nancy’s of the world are totally incapable of.

Dems could still win the messaging war or at least break even, but that would require them not sucking at messaging for once in their lives.

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Honestly, I think Warren wins with IRV.

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Maybe. I think that Bernie probably doesn’t win. Not sure though. I suspect some analysis on this has been done.

So any Bernie bros who support ranked choice can (maybe) take comfort in the fact that notBernie would have been the result of ranked choice voting.

Yes I am very comforted by the fact my fellow Americans do not want me to have healthcare thank you.

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At least some probably want you to have it but they might be thinking (perhaps wrongly) that a different candidate would also give you health care.

They want you to have access to healthcare, though, and really what more could you want?


Bernie might be on opening night and people are still mad I see

There is no slot that makes up for featuring Kasich and the Clintons. Bernie choosing to participate in this farce makes me think less of him.


Kasich is good strategy, but I draw the line at one prime time speech reaching out to the center-right.

My ideal lineup would be:

Night 1 - Center Right Outreach
Pete (he can speak to values voters and sell the Dems as the party of freedom and family values)

Night 2 - Progressive Outreach
Bernie speech intros AOC keynote

Night 3 - Remember when things weren’t insanely bad?

Night 4 - See? Joe has a pulse, okay?

I wouldn’t put a big speech before Biden cause he can’t clear that bar and will be overshadowed big time.

This gives you major speeches from:
West Coast if VP is from there

I’d like to add Castro to add someone from Texas and I thought he was good in the primary, but I’m not sure which night.

As for Kasich, he’s probably in the top 10 Republicans in terms of name recognition and respect around the country. A lot of moderate Dems like him, I know a few who would have voted for him over Hillary. If he’s willing to go on national TV and endorse Biden, you have to go for it.

The reason I don’t want the Clintons is that HRC is a net negative imo. I don’t think she turns out anybody who wasn’t already voting for Biden, and it lets the right tee off on her for a few days. Bill is old, not the speaker he once was, and has baggage that drives a wedge between the moderates and progressives in the party.


Bill I can see arguments for, but probably best not for him to speak. Kasich I’m even fine with. But lol at Hillary speaking. Hill has to 100% get the Bush W treatment.


This anti-Biden superPAC ad is running in AZ. “Instead of helping seniors, Biden wants free health care for illegal immigrants” etc.

At first I thought it was Sam Elliott but it’s not quite right, so they must have hired a Sam Elliott impersonator.

Fuck it: Colin Powell as a lead in for W.

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This would be a solid lineup and in that roster I’d be ok with Kasich getting to speak.

Hillary and Bill should be nowhere near this convention. What value do they bring? What voters do they get to the polls that otherwise wouldn’t? The answer to both of those is “less than the value the gop will get from attacking them and fewer than the number of voters that will vote for Trump (again) as an anti-Hillary and anti pedophilia vote”.


I disagree. They should be invited to speak and then pelted with rotten tomatoes.


If we’re going to put that on the table, I’d suggest a two week convention and a longer list of invited speakers.


The DNC really should just rerun the repube speeches from 4 years ago with “LUL” on the screen a they’re being played.

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I found this article to be quite interesting. We talk alot here about messaging strategies for Biden and this is an interesting perspective.

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