Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I think this is valid. Protests don’t really accomplish anything without legislation, which can’t happen with a broken Congress, or regime change, which usually can’t happen without a lot of collateral damage. It does really underscore just how frightening it is that so many Americans are sleep walking into this election. Its a one time shot to affect the absolutely necessary regime change in a peaceful manner. If Trump succeeds in stealing the election and trying to beat down the resistance the country is heading for a history defining catastrophe.

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Indeed, thanks for adding that.

I do think we need to push the responsibility of the privileged class all the way down to teens. If we bake that responsibility into social attitudes at the teenage level. This is an extreme example but even young adults can wield their privilege as a weapon. Let’s coach them to do better.

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True. I mostly agree about how impossible it is to identify a turning point outside of hindsight. Having said that, I think we can all agree that Trump winning a second term would count as one.

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Absolutely :+1:

Edit: longer clip.


Leaving a loaded gun on your seat as an officer should be a fireable offense, but it obviously didn’t happen.

you genuinely dont get this level of sadism in any sadistic dictatorship in recent times. Its really unprecedented to not even code this kind of language.

Putting the blame squarely where it belongs


the kid actually kind of looks like the lead from Jojo Rabbit.

Going to be honest, it really feels like the fabric of society is crumbling. Gun wielding maniacs are taking to the streets and literally murdering poor and the most popular cable news station is putting out propaganda that supports it. Social media is enabling all these fucks to gather together and unite. The pandemic isn’t going away. Income inequality is at an all time high. Homelessness is sky rocketing. Innocent people are getting murdered by police every day. Fuck.


Do you even Stonks, Bro?



LeBron 2024 and I am not joking.


that’s what I meant by the “ending is wild”


I’m a huge MJ stan, but there’s a new GOAT and his name is LeBron. His overall legacy is now going to surpass MJ’s for a lot of people. Cancelling the season as the 1 seed vs. “Republicans buy sneakers, too.”


The NBA situation is craziest thing that has happened in the last few months and they is saying something.

LeBron is a boss.


I guess we’ll see if Beverly was right about LeBron’s influence (and if it works when it comes to shutting it down).


It’s unclear what is going on. The reports I read suggested that LeBron was in favour of continuing the season. That would make sense because if he was in favour of halting it, he would stay in the meeting to help argue the Lakers’ case. I think he walked out because he’s not in favour of the position of the Lakers. But like I said, very unclear.