Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I thought I was realistic about people in this country before 2020. Whoops.

I’m feeling so bad about this shit man, the Blake killing was just another big blow and then this shit last night… going to keep holding out hope that maybe this pro sports shit moves the needle.

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I don’t think Blake is dead.

He’s not. I think I saw it here, but some cops had posted about how there was a new BLM sign for him painted on the street and it was a handicapped sign.

It’s because he’s paralyzed from the waist down




I know it’s not worth getting upset about but fuck this

I can’t post what should happen to Tucker Carlson.


Holllllllly shit. Beyond the fucking pale.

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If you need more proof that Ann Coulter is a Nazi then here you go


Watched the video of the kid and he’s 100% getting off and speaking at the 2024 RNC


Images are powerful, and a skateboarder going down with board in hand is going to infuriate people like my daughter in a way that goes beyond reason. This will feel like one of her own.

RIP Anthony


There’s still one more day to get in on 2020

Tucker Carlson deserves to die


A high percentage of skateboarders are awesome and they are doing great things on the streets. I love those kids.


This 17 year old murderer makes me think this:

"Ples Felix was a retired Green Beret, working in community development and raising his grandson Tony, trying hard to keep him safe and away from bad influences. But on one horrible night, Tony, in the company of older gang members, shot and killed a pizza delivery driver. It was a moment that changed many lives.

The delivery driver was Tariq Khamisa, a 20-year-old student in San Diego. His grieving father, Azim Khamisa, seeking to find meaning in unfathomable loss, started the Tariq Khamisa Foundation to address youth violence through education, mentorship and community service. And he invited Felix to join him – because “there was a victim on both ends of that gun.” Since 1995, Felix has co-led the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, developing mentorship programs that keep at-risk kids in school and on the right track."


Agree with this. The conflation of symbolism with real action is a pervasive problem in modern politics. How can it be a “turning point” when nothing has actually happened? Assuming there is eventually progress on this issue, there will be “turning points” in the history books, but they will only exist by virtue of ignoring all the other “turning points” which turned out not to be. The view that history consists of a series of critical moments only makes sense in retrospect.

I’m pessimistic about the whole movement because I don’t see it as very coherent about what the real problems are. “Stop shooting black people” is honestly not a demand that is going to happen in a country of 330 million people, awash with guns, with law enforcement who are used for the purposes of social control. People are going to continue to get shot because that is the inevitable consequence of that state of affairs. The demand is that the symptoms be cured without tackling the disease. The deep conflation of race and class in America makes it hard to discuss these issues. The only people with any clarity about the issues are tending to demand the wholesale dismantling of law enforcement, another thing that simply cannot happen with the underlying social problems. It’s all pretty grim imo.


I hear you, he’s just 17, BUT as a white male 17 year old with enough money to get an assault rifle that tells me he had the privileged position and opportunity to choose to be compassionate, informed, even helpful to others. And he went with Police Brutality Cosplay instead. Choices have consequences, as the conservatives like to pretend to believe.


Fair, but experiencing empathy for him isn’t the same as saying let the guy run free

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