Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

As a huge sports fan I hope to see every fucking sports team in this country go on strike. Heck, I’d like to see every decent non-essential worker strike from their job for at least one day, maybe a week, in a show of solidarity This shit has gotta stop once and for all


I think NBA response will be driven by how far the players go. I agree that Silver has the best chance of handling things well (i.e. letting the players express themselves and not doing anything stupid himself), but if stars start leaving the bubble to go hit the streets it’s going to get real interesting. Do you try to keep playing without crucial players? Do you shut down for a few weeks, hope things calm down, and rebuild the bubble in the middle of the playoffs? Completely bail on the season?

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lol Wisconsin

But then they will have to listen to his jokes


Forward Kenosha, a political action group, also called on Beth to issue an apology and participate in “anti-bias” training for himself and his department.

King said the NAACP is proposing a forum, co-hosted with Congregations United to Serve Humanity, with criminal justice experts to address the current climate for law enforcement.

“We look at the Ferguson (Mo.) situation and how has policing changed since then,” she said. “And we have President Trump, who speaks what he feels. Is he opening up the door to individuals to say whatever they feel?”

Kenosha has met 7 out of 8 requirements for police reform


NFL and College football players seem to be in a position to wield a lot of power too. I mean, they can all opt out of the season, for reasons they may not have to articulate, and that would bring a shitload of pressure on Trump to affect police reform.

The Sheriff stunned reporters in demonstration of self-awareness by walking into a warehouse, locking himself inside a prison cell, and throwing away the key.


WI AG: Rustin Sheshky is the shooter

Honestly I thought it was the vigilante in the picture.



Maybe essential workers should participate, too.

We have build this society where property is deemed more worthy of protection than lives. Slavery may have been abolished but the commodification of people continues. Black people are seen as less useful commodities; they don’t contribute as much to elites increasing their wealth, in terms of both absolute and relative wealth. Racial equality even harms their desire for increased relative wealth, because that means closing the gap between the rich and poor.

We have an economy built on a broken foundation. The elites want to avoid unrest that upsets the economy and makes things uncertain.

Well…fuck their economy.

A general strike threatens their wealth. A strong enough threat can force the elites to compromise and give up some of their wealth and power to save the rest of it. That threat is greatest when essential workers take part in the strike and cause problems for key sectors of the economy.


Here’s a piece of shit racist I don’t know but have had several arguments with before. She’s a “former Democrat who left the party because they promote violence and racism”. She literally justifies every murder of unarmed black me.

This is the shit we are up against. It’s a long uphill battle before this country will actually see black people as equals.

I was just talking to a friend about this and he said similar
about how the guy told the cops he was getting a gun from the car, yea I’m going to go with that never happened.

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I’d wager a lot of money that zero percent of the fan fic I posted is accurate.


Black men def tell the cops they are going to get a gun from their car that their kids are sitting in all the time, def.


Especially when they really don’t have a gun in the car.


Hey guys you can only fight armed people with arms so it’s GTO to lie to cops and tell them you have guns everywhere and you’re about to shoot them all.

I mean, maybe it’s not GTO, but what’s the difference, they’re probably going to shoot you anyways.

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