Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)



Who knows.

One of my best friends is a sports reporter. He has tweeted in support of players taking a stand with BLM, protesting for equality, etc. His editor has threatened to fire him if he gets political on Twitter again. He just tweeted his support of the Bucks, Lakers, Clippers, etc.

He makes about $50K, has a wife and daughter, his wife’s currently out of work, and he’s not anywhere near rich enough for them to be financially safe if he gets laid off.

I’m so fucking proud of him to have the guts to stand up for what’s right.




The NBA deserves a lot of credit for their leadership this year. First to shut down in March which probably saved a lot of lives outside the NBA, first to create a successful bubble, and now this boycott. I was never much of a basketball fan, but they’ve got my respect and I’ll probably tune in more whenever they do play again.


The NFL needs to follow suit

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At least he’s finally admitting it’s about order and not the law, so that’s progress, I guess.

There are many reasons the NFL will not follow suit, eg, shorter careers, lower salaries, whiter, more conservative players, owners have more power, etc.

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I know there are, but hopefully 20 or so guys on a team decide to do it and then the rest don’t want to be scabs and follow suit.

I see the NFL as a haven for brain injured evangelicals (players, coaches, and owners).

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Rog is almost certainly Brett Kavanaugh’s separated twin, minus the (limited) brains.

Shams is normally a very good reporter, but I call bullshit on this. There’s no way Udonis Haslem is still playing.



Tucker Carlson is one of the people that deserves to be warehoused where he can no longer poison the minds of the susceptible. He is the posterboy for cancer to our society.


Performative? It’s a damned labor strike, stop being a stick in the mud for once.


I’m not sure I agree with this. Black people seem to be an invaluable commodity for the Democratic establishment who actively keep the culture wars alive and well hoping no one will notice while they rob the plebs blind. The ONLY thing they got going for them is paying shallow lip service to the plight of Black people and minorities to placate gullible liberals and convince them that a piece of shit ticket like Biden/Harris our are saviors

I was thinking more about doctors and essential service workers who save and keep people alive. But sure… I’ll go without just about any else and certainly any convenience to show solidarity

This is spot on


THIS… is what you call performance art

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It certainly has the power to generate awareness. And awareness is what creates change. It’s the POSTSEASON! People just got their sports back. Can you think of a better way to grab national attention than sports teams striking at this moment and in a playoff game no less with teams from another sport doing the same? Who’s not talking about this?

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Just got up to see this (no idea if my pony overslept too):

On his TV show Carlson – who has a long record of making racist and inflammatory statements, triggering an advertising boycott – said that Rittenhouse’s actions were understandable given the violence and property damage in the city.

“Kenosha has devolved into anarchy because the authorities in charge of the city abandoned it. People in charge from the governor of Wisconsin on down refused to enforce the law. They stood back and they watched Kenosha burn,” Carlson said.

He then added: “So are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder? How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?”

almost the whole entire everything is performative

even the condemnation of the police and the vigilante terrorists for defending property is taking on a weird histrionic edge, somehow forgetting that the legacy of slavery and institutional racism is largely about stolen unreparated wealth and access denial to resources

they’re not even pretending to try to thread that needle

i’ll just quote myself from this thread but beyond that not try to ruin anybody with my pessimism