Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


Plastic bag of what?

A potentially lethal plastic bag

Suffocation hazard.


Warning: previously unreleased footage of the events leading up to the shooting




Castle doctrine doesn’t apply to someone else’s gas station.

Property >>>> people is like a big element here from the general conservative/Republican person, libertarians, cops, capitalism.



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Also anyone in the media saying he was there to protect property should be asked right away what connection does a 17 year old from Antioch have to property in Kenosha that he wants to drive across state lines with a lethal weapon

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And declares ahead of fatally shooting someone that he brought weapons and intentions to fatally shoot someone.

Makes you think.


This kind of commitment just makes him a real patriot. How many people on this forum would drive that far to defend real Americans, or would even understand that properties are real Americans?


Everything’s cool, y’all. Facebook has firmly shut the barn door. Well, one of them.

I’m not sure where to make this post; it feels like a combination of the Police Riots thread, the POTUS Bowl thread, the Trump’s America thread…

I am legit worried about the national situation that could follow the election. I think the media is doing an absolutely fucking horrendous job of covering the threats and shootings coming out of the right-wing militia movement in this country, and the effect of this is essentially a normalization or no-big-deal attitude towards these fucking horrendous, fascistic actions. As these get normalized due to the absurd coverage (how is someone at CNN not fired yet for characterizing this as “citizens vs protesters”???) and protesters continue to get painted as the Real Threat I think more and more Americans will view the protesters as the aggressors and the militias as the “patriots” when it is so fucking far from the truth. Additionally, police have been unwilling to crack down on the militias–in fact, it’s obvious from many videos that the police encourage it because they’re essentially on the same side.

This matters because we are screaming down a path towards a contested election. The combination of the de-facto gerrymandering of the electoral college and the lag in counting mail-in or absentee ballots could very likely make early results favor Trump. If the Trump administration proclaims victory preemptively, which again seems quite likely given how they operate, Americans won’t wait until fucking court cases and lawyers and bullshit–I think if Trump preemptively claims victory in a close election and tries to stop the counting of mail-in ballots, we may see the largest protests yet. BLM, Women’s March, everyone. And the militias will be right there with them, emboldened by the positive relationship with police and the positive coverage by mainstream media, ready to “protect” whatever the fuck it is they’re supposed to be protecting.

Long story short, I think it is very likely that a contested election could lead to some armed conflicts in American streets.


Suspect in custody


And if Democrats win convincingly and it seems like Republicans can’t win a contested election, the right wing will shift from an electoral strategy to an insurgency strategy, which might be the optimal tactic for white nationalists to pursue.

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He wanted to be…wait for it…a cop one day!

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I think these are valid points. I think I’d be okay with Democratic leadership explaining the situation as they see it, and then urging every registered democrat to don their masks and gloves if necessary and vote in person. Beat them at their own game.

For his bday in 2018 he asked people to donate to a police advocacy org called “Humanizing the Badge” JFC

Did this just happen? Seems like the time for him to be in custody was last night when he walked up to the cops with a rifle and his hands in the air while everyone was yelling that he just shot a bunch of people. If he was allowed to leave after that… holy shit.

Yes he walked away just fine last night, according to the article i just posted, he fled the state afterwards.