Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

JFC what a LARPer

Literally this meme finally come to life

That kid is living out his fantasy.

I totally understand PocketChads and others perspective on the importance of the protests. I also 100% think this is going to benefit Trump.

These events give the right cover to discuss something other than 175,000 dead Americans. Videos of protestors harassing random white people give other random white people an excuse to “fear for their lives”. Videos of protestors screaming “call the cops” literally will become campaign ads for Trump and against defunding the police. I expect the horse race to get noticeably tighter as soon as the right wing propaganda machine gets its marching orders.


There is way too much hand wringing over protests helping trump. It’s not like this anarchy angle is new. He has been pounding it for months. At most he has some new b roll.

On the other hand we need turnout and the black community if the core voting block for Biden. This type of thing will help turn out voters as they see trump ignore the actual black people getting shot in favour of obsessing over civil disobedience.

Lastly, it’s the right thing to do. If you are not going to protest extrajudicial murders what are you going to protest!

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I’m just gonna assume the cops started the fire in the car dealership until I see evidence that says otherwise.


I dunno I’m still skeptical on how much effect it’ll have on the right, everyday there’s a video the right uses from some city of a local business being burned down and stores being looted. Then they get the business owners to talk. That probably energizes more trump supporters around the country than some white people eating at a restaurant in DC (again not agreeing with the tactic or anything). Yeah they might use this clip for a few days but that’ll happen with anything




Fox’s headline seems to be accurate, while CNN decides to draw a distinction between protesters and civilians.



To repeat, it’s Fox mentioning the militias. CNN is the one saying protesters aren’t civilians.


So what’s the claim? They were trying to burn a building? Loot? How are they trying to justify this shit

“Police hunt for gunman?” He walked right up to them!


Also these are pics of him defending himself. Every sympathetic person who sees this is going to think he was the victim.

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Twitter is identifying the shooter as a 17 year old from Illinois.

Still time to get this kid to the RNC to give a speech


Fuck Shaun King. He’s a pure grifter who has pushed false info multiple times, used pictures of people murdered by the police without the families permission, and done a lot of other scamming and shady shit


I tried to point this out on fb and was told if he was a problem the black community would out him and it’s not my place.

There are many articles and medium posts by people in the black community who talk about the pain he brings some of the families he exploits in his clout chasing. Also a few articles from former employees too. I think I’ve posted a few on here before too but hate doing searches on my phone

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Before. And it’s shootings. He shot multiple people in multiple locations, killing at least 2.

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The “molotov” mentioned appears to be a plastic bag.

Yeah I posted a tweet with a picture of the “Molotov” a little up thread. It’s a plastic bag