Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I mean regardless of what is or isn’t “energizing the right” it’s still over two months to the election, which by my calculation consists of approximately 7 million news cycles.

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Same guy, clearer view of shooting.


Of course not.

But you on the other hand seem to think that there is no amount of property destruction or looting during these riots/protests that can ever be a bad thing. I disagree.

I think the cops were wanton and horrible and stupid in this case. But there are so many videos of cops losing control of a guy who goes back to the car and gets a gun and next thing the cop is dead. They teach them at the academy. Warning extremely graphic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugFpuoNQFYM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mssNOhv1UMc Watch these and tell me cops don’t have a reasonable fear in that spot.

Again I think the cops were horrible and should have found a way to tackle the guy and probably shouldn’t have been harassing him in the first place. But once there’s a struggle (which a new video shows), guy gets away, goes back to the car? Thats cop nightmare 101.

No one here can say 100% they would know for sure in that spot that Blake wasn’t going to get a gun. His actions didn’t make a lot of sense. People say he was going to check on his kids. After wrenching yourself free from the cops in a struggle? Whatever he was doing he wasn’t acting rationally, which could certainly be someone who just snapped and is getting ready to do suicide by cop (could be .1% but still).

I look at that idiot cop following him as full blown stupid panic mode. But not pure evil straight up murder like Chauvin or a bunch of other cases. There’s a reason why the Floyd murder caused protests all over the world. Nobody on the right even could even try to defend it. This one they unfortunately have a bit more of a case. All cops are taught you just cannot let someone go back to the car after wrenching free in a struggle.

Now we got armed militia guys on roofs (who actually have a quasi-legit reason to be there - defending property) and shooting looters (supposedly) living out their big fantasies. Is all this still good? Are we still making progress? In the video iron posted where the guy is shot, a bunch of people are yelling “call the police”. You can bet that’s gonna get a ton of play on the right, as is the diners getting confronted by protests in DC - which just seems dumb.

Should the protestors arm themselves and we’ll just have all out war in the streets? Do you think that would be a positive step in the long run? (serious question) Because I think it would end very very badly for the protesters. If Trump has a legit reason to bring in his federal shock troops, and brutally puts down some kind of armed uprising (as perceived by the public), that could give him a huge bump in a battleground state and the nation. Which I guess is my nightmare scenario I’m getting at.

I have a strong feeling there are more than me itt who are looking at this stuff right now kinda like ehhhhh - maybe not such a great thing. I alluded to it by the relative silence of this thread (say compared to the Floyd protests) in my post. The corners of the right I’ve checked into are anything but silent right now. They are super fired up. But it’s a nightmare to argue over it here so I just zip it. And I’m sure I’ll wish I had as my character is attacked over the next few days.

I know I can easily be characterized as like the “moderate left” who just wanted MLK to be less destructive. Believe me I am asking myself if that’s what I am right now. But I’ve always supported all kinds of civil disobedience. I just don’t know if violence is ever going to end well for the minority group. Especially when a lot of violence right now is being committed by white guys - who could always go back to their white lives any time they want, and will never face consequences that may come down on the minority community over their actions. Which is a whole weird new area we haven’t had before, and I have no idea how it’s going to play out.

And looting is just a stupid thing that happens along side this sometimes (and sometimes even started by the boogaloo guys). But it really gets a ton of play in fearful middle America and I hate seeing it.


It’s like the movie Taps. Instill a bunch of children with some bs concept of honor, and send them off to battle like true war pigs

do not fret, the forum revolutionaries have it all mapped out

I dealt with assholes on dead stream chats being edge lords but now the thing apparently is to donate the minimum to have the donation now voice just say n***** ner n** in text and voice on the protest streams. God damn I want to choke some people out or something. Fuck America y’all. I’m sure it’s the same everywhere but shit.


Yeah that’s the shooter 100%. Cops and militia buddying up. Awesome stuff.


This is so confusing. It looks like the militia guy is talking to protestors here. But that can’t be.

One fatality from my videos.

Chiefsplanet is saying the shooter was some libertarian guy who was there to support BLM but also to protect property. Probably not true. But it would explain why the militia guy above seems chummy with protesters. There definitely have been armed guys on the side of protesters from earlier videos. But not in camo. Maybe they’re boogaloo guys pretending to be on their side.

I think we may have something? of a Baltimore situation where a lot of the protesters aren’t down with the looting and property destruction either.

Not sure what it’s like now, but when I went in the top comment was joking about the protesters investigating themselves, so pro-protesters, but everything below that was disgusting.

Glad to hear it changed as it got more attention. Right wingers on Reddit tend to live early on in comment sections, or way down at the bottom of comment chains that don’t get a lot of attention. Anywhere else they get drowned out.

Fwiw, this was liked and shared by two communists I follow,


so, uh, PChads et al are giving you grief but you’re not alone.

p.s. An Iranian-American and Black American communist btw and a tiny part of me just died from adding this postscript.

longer version


ending is wild

Left energised or right energised, the betting markets are moving one way…



You’d think so, right!

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What caused him to be way more of a massive underdog? I can’t think of any point in time when he was more likely to lose than now.

He was floundering for a while as the inadequacy of his response to covid and the humiliation of the failed Tulsa rally became clear to more people, while Biden enjoyed the usual honeymoon bump. imo

That may have been peak Biden.
