Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

95% this guy is grifting.

#vanlife influencers pull this shit every now and then. Our van got broken into, send money! (amazingly nothing was ransacked and only the video equipment they probably had insured anyway got stolen.)

He’s guilty of being alive while white.


Left wing militia. Heard about right wing militia at one point, no video of them.


I know I’m going to get excoriated. But I’ll say it anyway. This kind of stuff (the post above, the fires, etc) is MASSIVELY energizing the right at the moment. And based on this thread at least it doesn’t seem to be energizing the left very much.

I will not be taking questions at this time.


I doubt you will be excoriated, this is true. And this specific protest is not a good decision. But poor strategic decisions made by small groups of protesters don’t really have much to do with the protests as a whole even if the Right plays the worst decisions/acts on repeat.

I’ve given up on people, even when they’re ostensibly in support of the protests most of them can’t wait for any excuse to get back to the bootlicking. Any act of malfeasance by the authorities, no matter how big, gets a “Yeah, but…” whereas the worst 1% actions taken by protestors damns the whole movement.

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I’m skeptical that it is energizing the right too much compared to the protesting that they frame as looting and rioting constantly

I’m sure it’s hitting closer to home for any of the antifa-pants-wetting right-wingers in Wisconsin. For the rest probably not so much more than usual.

I think it’s energizing the left because they’re doing shit like burning down buildings.

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I think you’re empirically wrong, or at least, the effect of energizing the right is smaller than how it moves the middle. BLM has transitioned from unfavorable to favorable with incredible speed.

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22 is on it! It’s likely at least partially the fault of the, ahem, rioters.

I agree with you. I am all for 95% of BLM protests. But yeah, the 5% is what the right runs with…sigh.

Yelling at white woman for just sitting there enjoying her coffee. That was a bad look. But once again shows how fucking fragile this shit is. Covington Catholic kid was RNC saying oh woe is me because of media. Dems have to pretty much do everything perfect, while Trump is a pussy grabber.


Video of shots fired, then close up of wounded protester. Slightly gory.


Ironically I’m more for burning shit down than yelling at person enjoying their coffee. Burn shit down, hmm maybe that shit needed to be burned down. Yelling at that person for enjoying their coffee…I just don’t see that changing anyones minds.

good grief

some cannot see 2 feet in front of their face on the clearest day

Armed rightie runs through crowd of protesters who chase him. He turns and fires, more wounded. First appears at 0:35.


some kid, swept-up, now with a hole in his head

the constant cavalier bullshit

Not my language, quoting that of 22, perhaps unclearly. For me, outside of much stronger evidence, I trust your assessment of the protesters.

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