Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Things in Kenosha are about what you would expect. I actually walked past this police station a couple weeks ago.

Man Kenosha is wildddd right now

link? I been to some Kenosha raves in the 90s

Just saw a video of them knocking a cop unconscious with a brick so shits going to get wild. This wont be good any way you slice it. No helmet on either.


Also dont read the comments.

I had found some random live video on twitter just looking around.

Also I completely forgot that this video is from kenosha too


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State of emergency was just declared a couple of mins ago. Supposedly there are blue lives matter to counter the protests nearby. This is the stream I’m watching


Somehow, Jacob Blake is alive and in stable condition.

I just checked in on Chiefsplanet for some reason:

  1. Kenosha is burning, the McCluskey’s were right
  2. Blake is supposedly a sex offender
  3. Protestors should be shot, especially the armed ones out there exercising their 2A rights
  4. This will turn Wisconsin red
  5. Someone found pictures of a black kid posing with a gun that is supposedly Blake
  6. Fucking Ian Miles Cheong and Andy Ngo are all over it

I am a little worried a bunch of boogaloo guys are out their setting fires and stuff.



This is some crazy only in America stuff.

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There was a warrant on Blake tor “3rd degree sexual assault” and a couple other things 2 months ago. It wasn’t clear whether he was out on bail, a fugitive or the charges were dropped.

This guy appears to be on the scene and is cranking out a video every 10 minutes.


I was chilling at this shelter for a few minutes waiting for the tourist trolley.




Well, many have realized those riots are trump’s best shot at re-election.

The video dude’s car was broken into.

Is leaving wallets in cars these days common? Because it sounds pretty fucking stupid.

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Depends. If you think you’re more likely to lose it, get it stolen, or maybe confiscated if you get arrested when it’s on your person, it’s better to leave it in the car.

I don’t know who this is. Partly just answering because I leave my wallet in the truck all the time when I’m working. The truck is right in front of the house I’m working on though.

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It’s probably results oriented, I guess. I’ve never been robbed in person but had my vehicle broken into several times.

The graffiti at the end is perfect


