Nope, this pig had previously killed two other people, and also ran over another person with his cop car. Somehow still working for the Auburn PD, even after the 2019 shooting. Completely outrageous but unfortunately not unbelievable.
Read the article if you want to be fully enraged and sickened.
As the election nears I still believe Trump is going to openly encourage white supremacist groups to attack people all over, especially intimidating voters. He’ll frame it as “my patriots making sure people are following the rules” or some bullshit but it will be a call for them to beat the shit out of people. God I hate Donald Trump, more than I thought I could ever hate anyone.
I love this guy. I’ve seen him take countless gas attacks and whatever else projectiles from police, and he’s not taking any of that fake authority bullshit from dumb, large, violent MAGA slobs.
SLC: Went for walk earlier. On way out, there was a BLM protest out front at the Capitol. Didn’t see any cops, which is weird. There were some people there with blue vests that said ACLU Observer on them. Guy with a baseball bat was walking around behind the speakers for some reason. Didn’t see anything else threatening.and it was mostly young people ofc.
On way back, about an hour and a half later, the BLM people seemed to all be gone, replaced by flag-waving Blue Lives Matter people (see pic). There were a few militia types there with handguns on their hips. Also a few cops gathered together separately, bullshitting; they didn’t seem too worried about anything. One of the gun-toters called out to me as I walked by, “Hey, sir, I love your shirt.” (Old xkcd, “Stand Back, I’m Going to try Science” t-shirt.) So what do you say when a guy with a gun compliments your attire? Idk, I just said “Thanks.”
I knew trump was the devil but I didn’t realize devil was trump.
“And you wouldn’t believe it. They said ‘sir, sir, I love your shirt. Where did you get it, sir? Thank you sir for wearing the truth and standing up for real Americans, sir’. It was incredible, believe me.”
Yeah just saw this like 15 mins ago and man it’s fucking bad. The cop is close enough and feels safe enough to hold him by his shirt but still decides to fucking shoot him