Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Tamir Rice (the 12 year old playing with a toy gun - think that’s him)
There was a guy shot at a gas station caught on camera - he reached for his ID

Probably more, but no others so obvious coming to mind.

Most of these videos don’t start until there’s something happening and at that point you’re left not knowing exactly how it started. Did George Floyd resist? Maybe before he was on camera. Whether it’s something a cop calls resisting or is really resisting? Who knows?


Ugh this one enraged me (watched the video and wished I hadn’t). Apparently the cop who shot him was temporarily rehired so that he could collect his lifetime pension of 31k per year.

I don’t know the name but i believe theres on where the guy is asleep in his car and as soon as he wakes they shoot him basically?

Thanks for the replies. Not that it will katter to a racist, but I went with:

" I mean, Breonna Taylor was literally sleeping in her bed. She had committed no crime. She didn’t resist arrest because she couldn’t. She was asleep.

12 year old Tamir Rice was shot and killed before the police even stopped their car to talk to him. He committed no crime. He didn’t resist arrest because he was killed before the cops even got to him.

Daniel Shaver (a white man, if that matters), committed no crime and was literally complying 100% with what the cops were demanding even though the demands were insane. He was shot dead.

Elijah McClain was arrested while walking home. He had committed no crime. Not one in his entire life.

Police should not be arresting people who haven’t committed a crime. And even if someone does resist arrest, that is not grounds to execute them. Police need to be better at not killing people who pose no threat to them."

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Philando Castile is my go to because he was complying, his wife and baby were in the car, he repeatedly told the cop he had a gun in the car with a valid license to carry, the cop told him to get the license, then boom dead. Where’s the NRA now?

Also, one of my good skydiving friends was his boss and worked with him every day and she was absolutely devastated, because all the reports about him being an incredible person were true. Middle aged white lady radicalized in an instant.


Failure to obey is always potentially a capital crime. It’s very important, imo, to limit the times where it’s allowable for the police to compel people to do anything at all - even pause and answer a question - and when someone is not under arrest it should always be clear that they are free to go.

Here’s a policy proposal: If you are driving and have committed a traffic rule violation that would result in a ticket and not even suspected of something criminal (dangerous DUI kind of thing), police shouldn’t be able to pull you over. They can mail you a ticket.

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And here is her response to me:

bad cops!!! Bad people exist in every area of life! Sad but true! Life is not fair. We all know this!!! Bad teachers bad bosses bad moms bad dads bad brothers bad dentists bad dogs bad cats … evil exists.

Like how do these people live with themselves? This is literally why people are protesting…to get rid of those bad cops and hold future bad cops accountable. But you’re not ok with that? Jesus christ it makes my blood boil.

Charles Kinsey, the teacher who was shot while lying on the ground and trying to act as an intermediary between the police and his student (a young man with autism who was sitting in a parking lot playing with a toy truck… such a threat!)

This was one that really hit home for me, maybe because my mom taught students with special needs, so I could easily imagine this being one of her students and/or coworkers.


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I hope this tactic backfires. Any protestor who becomes infected can simply show up without a mask and bait the cops into getting all up in their face. Infect a bunch of pigs and then, a week or two later, see if they’re still walking around smirking without a mask.


The wild part is that the sheriffs department said he came and punched the cop (lol of course they lied) and then they sued him the day after for the cops physical and emotional damages plus lost wages or some shit like that lol

This is the video if you don’t want to click thru the article


Anyone who thinks police can be reformed should consider this. These are Canadian police ffs.

Not saying whoever should have been charged for this, but the charges seem to be around the very serious injuries to someone who got hit by the falling statue.

Wildwood Commissioner of Public Safety Tony Leonetti told NBC10 that Weinman assaulted one of the officers by kicking him in the groin and then running away, which was not shown in the video and possibly happened before she was punched.


Oh man, a shame the video doesn’t let us see what happened earlier.



Hold the fuck on

There’s video showing the cop’s story was bullshit? How can this be???


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I remember seeing this one a long time ago. Looks like the article is from 2018.

Sounds like she was charged with resisting arrest and banned from the city for a year, and obv nothing happened to the cops.

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This just hits me so hard right now, I just talked to some relatives who are not the worst people but who live in the suburbs of Chicago and are apparently Bernie to Trump low info right-wing adjacents because they’re oh so scared about “what is happening” in Chicago. I want to send them this, but I don’t think their takeaway would help my case. I did tell them that “what was happening” in Chicago has been going on forever, sorry you missed the real story, but I just don’t know how to pierce their suburban cognitive biases.

It would help if I were better at arguing. They might be convincable but my emotional control is low, it’s just so disappointing to me that everyone in my family sucks so bad.

