Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

On a similar note, I just watched the first two episodes of Immigration Nation on Netflix. Fuck ICE completely. Every one of their agents are sadistic, cruel, evil, pathetic humans.


The obvious solution is that cops need to be induced to do something worse than what they’ve already done.

It’s hard man, like personally I care a ton but I can’t handle it. As evident from my posting the constant exposure to seeing that breaks me, I lose my mind. I know it’s not stopping until we get rid of Trump, then hold Biden’s feet to the fire, so the cycle of hopelessness and outrage doesn’t end and it breaks me. Then I try to reduce my exposure to it.

I feel bad about that, but I also can’t let myself unravel any farther than I already have.

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Like they’re interested in buying him a beer? They love this dude. They wanna be him when they retire: sit on the porch with a beer, hang by the pool, throw some pipe bombs at liberals while cosplaying like a secret agent and reminisce about the good ole days when they fucked everyone up with impunity.

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Hipster Seattle microbrewer co-opting ACAB is a bit much.


That loudspeaker saying “officers are taking lawful action” while attacking that poor woman is some dystopian 1984 shit.


Is that co-opting? It’s not like they’re changing the meaning. Also it doesn’t seem like a shallow United Colors of Beniton doing BLM thing. In fact, imo, it’s brave for anyone to put that in print anywhere non-anonymously.

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It’s also a tell. You don’t need to yell that you are taking lawful action through a loudspeaker when you take lawful action.

We need the same voice announcing “The citizens are taking lawful action” every time a protest runs into the police.


Hadn’t heard of Mirage Beer Company but turned this up:

The farmhouse-focused brewery is concentrating on styles like sours and fruited beer

Not really my cup of beer (so to speak) but I hope they sell a lot to people who do like it.

The anti-BLM people crowing about the 5 year old white child that was murdered by a black man is making my blood boil. The murderer was arrested and charged within a day.

“WhY aREnt ThErE ProtEsts FoR tHiS liFe?”


The most racist of the deplorables are running with this. I’m so tempted to respond back with “I’m sure he was no angel” or “Maybe his parents should have been watching him better.”



It shows that they’re either morons or they’re essentially trolling. Pretending to not understand the world around you to own the libs. Fuck these people, some of the absolute worst.

I was heartened to see a deplorable adjacent/libertarian type guy I work with shitting on this argument on Facebook today

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Can someone give me a short list of people that were killed by police when they weren’t resisting arrest. Obviously Breonna Taylor keeping in her bed is the most recent prominent example. What are some others to refute the “don’t resist” talking point from pig lovers?

One of the more egregious examples is this white dude that was killed in a hotel hallway after being given multiple unclear commands from the cop. Clearly not a threat. Obv the cop was found not guilty.

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Ugh that murder is one of the most heinously disgusting stories. Thanks for reminding me about it.

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