Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Or… he got to his car, but was afraid to get in it as vehicle registration is public record.

So I was at least half right about who this guy was, and I still might be completely right. This is literally the exact sort of person Erik Prince hires to do shady shit.

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Jesus, stay safe out there, chads.


The cops are so smart they’re stunned and confused by the new modern defense tactic called the… phalanx.


Just wait until the protesters adopt the manipular system. They‘ll be unstoppable.

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Probably? Contemporary police are trained for situations where 5 cops wearing armor and carrying guns swarm a single unarmed black man. They’re not really trained for melee combat.


The protesters can get into tighter formations because they’re generally not wider than their shields.


Not terribly unlikely that at some point there’s going to be a Kent State and the bunching up behind shields and standing there strategy will have to be abandoned.

Hopefully not a Kent State situation. A couple of points…

  • There is long standing legal precedent to declare any ‘defensive’ gear as weapons. In LA2000 the training was that the LAPD/CHIPS/etc were going to charge anyone with as much as catchers gear in their possession with serious effective life felonies for attacking officers with weapontry.

  • So far what we are seeing could be well described as symbolic skirmishes. Nobody has tried to block a freeway or a factory this way. If you think we’ve seen horrific violence unleashed on civil society so far… we haven’t seen nothing yet if the above is attempted.


“Moderate” Matt Glantz calling out one of us.

What a time to be alive!

Man’s Glands

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Legalized gang.

And I say this as someone who in 2011 applied to the CPD and passed the test. My how times change.



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Trump: no one has ever shown more than me that the enforcement mechanisms to maintain the status quo are all bluster and no teeth

Protestors: hold our water balloons



A Henrico County General District Court Judge found Harry Rogers guilty of four misdemeanor assault charges, but not the hate crimes that were later added by the Henrico County Commonwealth’s Attorney.

In court Monday, the judge said the victims in the June 7 incident were white and there is no clear case law on how to deal with that.

Hate crimes were specifically added after a lead investigator in the case says KKK paraphernalia was found inside Rogers’ residence and in his car, including his robe and his Klan bible.

that turd glantz has me blocked so i can see all of the notifications from that but can’t respond, strong tactics



Look at the disgust on the guys face in the bottom left. Just mentioning this simple truth is so disgusting to the powerful white racists.


if anyone has an extra few $$ to spare:


(this is the guy from Portland that just stood there without flinching while the cops whaled on him…turns out they jacked up his hand pretty badly)