Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

It says on the chart that starting in 1980 Hispanics were no longer counted as white.

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This is a difference between how urban SoCal was developed as opposed to the typical northeast city.

To give an anecdotal example, in Chicago locals always were confused because there weren’t distinct large geographical districts on “the other side of the tracks” in SoCal. They wouldn’t believe me when I’d explain that there was some serious gang-banging street drug selling areas within sight of the fake Matterhorn. Also, it was amusing that they assumed the Hispanic population was always located on the south side of town.

And yes… San Diego really was that white back then.

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ETA: Excellent documentary on the Lemon Grove Incident…

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Well, this makes even more sense. You know, I think I even recall forms in the 80’s still only having black, white, and asian as the choices. Yes I’m old.

Ah. Font was small and blurry and I was lazy. Still, looking at the progression from 1980 onward the percent of blue was probably pretty small in 1970.

Yeah, I was too lazy to find my reading glasses, but the zoom made it juuuuuuust clear enough.

Great All Gas No Breaks video in Portland. The 3 girls + uncensored guy are really well spoken.


Current or ex-military, there for the paycheck.

That is… super sketchy. I’m no conspiracy theorist but my gut reaction was police/government before 3%er.

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Why would police covertly attack protesters? They have no problem doing it in uniform. If they are doing things covertly they are probably attacking property or fake attacking themselves.

There are lots of Proud Boys, 3%ers, Militia Men, Bikers, Veterans, Mall Cops etc who want to throw bombs at protesters.


The trope of the ‘Bomb Throwing Anarchist’ is well established in the US. It doesn’t matter who is targeted in any attempt to manufacture an example of that trope. That being said, they aren’t going to bomb their own (cops -o- 3%pers/etc)… so that only leaves civil society to target.

Note also the exaggerated nose. The ‘Bomb Throwing Anarchist’ trope is directly intertwined with antisemitism.


That’s why they’d either target property or it would be a fake attack - something really harmless. Secretly targeting protesters wouldn’t be of any propaganda value for the cops. Bomb a grocery store or something? That would make the anarchists look bad and it would be used as justification for their violence.

The historical trope is ‘dynamiting’ people, and comes directly from the first time that ever happened: Chicago Haymarket Sq, May 4, 1886. Blowing up buildings doesn’t pack near the propaganda punch of even threatening to blow up people.

OTOH, it’s 10am PDT and I’m seeing -zero- news reporting this… so who knows WTF is going on, if anything.

Bomb was thrown at police in Haymarket, no?


Portland protestors’ phalanx perplexes police.


All water balloons splatter.


This is so cool. Folks, when organizing all day or longer events, entertainment is a key thingee. Make it a party, and they’ll come next time.


Yes. The name is easily found through the tweets above.