Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Also it was 102 degrees today so all the respect in the world for these protesters.



Oh look the white cop calling suspects “good rats”. No bias here!


tl/dr-protest occurs near SPD police chief’s home, she accuses them of illegal behavior, same group protests near other city official’s homes and those officials engage with the public they swore an oath to serve. Time for Carmen Best and Jenny Durkan to resign in shame.

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Her wikipedia page looks awful.

Durkan then pressured Judge Richard Jones “to imprison the activists, some for up to five months, in an effort to force them to testify against their peers in the Pacific Northwest’s radical left.”

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I got to stop reading the comments to stuff like this…

I know this has been posted already but I can’t find it to reply to…


The comment I wanted to add was just to underline this (taken from an article on it)

The child on the far left is just six years old, with a 14-year-old girl to the right of her, a 17-year-old after that, and a 12-year-old on the far right. The 12-year-old was handcuffed but the 6-year-old girl was not, at least by the time Wurtz had started filming. The children can be heard on the video wailing and crying, wondering what’s happening to them. At least one of the children screams, “I want my mommy.”

Beyond words :angry:

Absolutely nauseating. The stolen vehicle was in A DIFFERENT STATE and it was A MOTORCYCLE. There is literally no possible excuse for this. I hope the family gets a big payday from the taxpayers.



For those who might not know, M.Sheen is a lifelong Catholic Worker activist. CW has been described as bunches of Catholic anarchists.




SD City Council is holding a special meeting today to vote on resolution to ban federal law enforcement from policing SD city streets.

Public comment happening now. Lots of immigrant groups having reps call in. My inside source says this ban will pass.

ETA: Resolution passed. 6 yes, 2 no, 1 absent.


I’ll assume based on recent events that Federal agents are going to go where they want to go, regardless of what a city declares.

That’s cool, but I don’t think it will stop them. Dunno that the Feds were planning on doing a Portland in San Diego though.

probably. I think it’s mostly just making a statement to city residents at this point, which isn’t a bad thing, IMHO.

The two no votes were from the one republican and one of the candidates for mayor who is trying to win R votes (she’s pretty far behind the other candidate)

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I think in our case it’s more about ICE and CBP

This is all symbolic, of course.

What’s most striking is how things have changed here since D.Trump’s foremost role model was POTUS. Back then San Diego was the most conservative major city in the US, AINEC. We were even “Law & Order” Tricky Dick’s “Lucky City”…

Nixon loved San Diego. He called it his “Lucky City,” and no wonder: A Republican stronghold during his time, San Diego helped him dominate California each time he ran for Senate, vice president and president.

He liked San Diego so much, in fact, that he preferred to end his campaigns here. So it’s no surprise he wanted to hold the 1972 GOP National Convention, where he’d be nominated to run for a second term, in the sunny city that had been so good to him.

“He felt safe there. It was Nixon country and near Orange County, and as (staff) put it in a memo, ‘there are few Negroes,’”

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No Hispanics in San Diego in 1970? That must have been some crazy redlining, policing, and discrimination.

probably that. Kept them to the southern/outlying cities like San Ysidro, National City, Chula Vista, etc.

oh now I see this is county data. That seems…odd to me