Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


WTF is this bullshit? Just “protecting federal propery” my ass. LEAVE FEDS AND FUCK YOU


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There was some talk of antisemitism in the thread over an image, here is the real deal orchestrated by the campaign of a sitting US Senator:


Sending you positive thoughts! No one should have to deny who they are. Be safe, and be you.


Yeah, but it sucks that he has no choice but to make this trait a defining feature of existence at all times in order that threats of violence in interpersonal interactions be kept implicit instead of explicit.


“In the graphic design process handled by an outside vendor, the photo was resized and a filter was applied, which appears to have caused an unintentional error that distorted the image,” a campaign spokesperson said in a statement. “Obviously, this was accidental, but to ensure there is absolutely no confusion, we have immediately removed the image from Facebook. Anybody who implies that this was anything other than an inadvertent error is intentionally misrepresenting Senator Perdue’s strong and consistent record of standing firmly against anti-Semitism and all forms of hate.”

The graphic design company, Storm88Design, could not be reached for comment.



Don’t know if I’ve said this before but even if so it bears repeating. You’re a god dammed hero. Don’t ever forget that.


In the ad they make the claim that he and Schumer are trying to BUY GEORGIA

idk I can think of a few people


We do. I’ve got so much appreciation of the people out there protesting, but I tend to be more pragmatic than idealistic in terms of effecting lasting change, especially in a country and society as “comfortable” as America is (or has been for decades).

I think that unless 51% of the voters are on your side, or 51% of the primary voters, these people:

Aren’t doing anything significant… and ultimately the change has to come from within the system just structurally. Like I don’t think we’re to the point where protesters are going to overthrow the police anywhere in a revolution, but we are at the point where thousands of people will pack the streets during city council votes and hearings and such and apply pressure. So far that pressure has been ignored in most places, so in my mind that’s the equivalent of a threat and a follow through.

“Great City Council you’ve got there, it’d be a real shame if you all got voted out…”

I think protests raise awareness, build grassroots momentum and can bring about change on a faster timeline… But the follow through in organizing for those races is essential. So I think this:

is pretty awesome. Looks like you guys need five council members to have a majority. But if you swept those three, you might give two or more of the other six a hell of a wakeup call.

I think Ferguson is a great example. After over a year of protests, they take a city council seat or two, one of them runs for mayor and loses, then in 2020 she runs again and wins. Is Ella Jones progressive? A reformer? Honestly, I don’t know. I know she broke barriers to win there, though. I assume she’s progressive since she got into politics out of nowhere in 2015.

So I think it’s a really important part of the process to stay involved in. Protests and activism build momentum for electoral results, then protests and activism hold people accountable and target additional seats to build for more electoral results. If they lead to direct change along the way, excellent, but if not at least you’re gaining political power for the movement.



A bunch of great photographs. From the end of May.


Yup. I blame the educational system. I think ours is particularly dysfunctional and oriented away from producing useful people for the 21st century.

Anyone who actually knows our nations history is aware that the only weird thing about all of this is that Donald Trump got elected President against the wishes of a great many powerful people. That one data point strongly suggests to me that our institutions are in very bad shape after 40 years of damn near a negative rate of change in a massively changing world.

The civil rights stuff is the least surprising part of the current time line. The GOP finding political profit in going full racist… yeah the writers got lazy there.

I took a class called Texas history in the 7th grade. I was in my 20’s when I found out about the kind of work the Texas Rangers were doing in South Texas for most of that time period… and I’m a history nerd who only found out about it because it connected to the Mexican Revolution at a couple of really weird points.

I have a real problem with the way our schools teach history. The goal is to simultaneously sell a propagandized version of our history and discourage further investigation… but history is a really useful thing. It’s the hand history of humanity. This whole situation we’re going through seems super weird because it has never happened in this country, but it’s happened tons in other places and knowing how it worked out then is really useful.

When you feed people a false version of their own history you prevent them from learning from the past. It’s impossible to do what worked in the past if the reason it worked is being hidden from you and it’s impossible to avoid repeating the ugly episodes in the past if you sanitize them to change the meaning of what happened.

This is a hill I’d happily die on lol. I don’t think it’s actually an unpopular opinion on this board though.

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I’m going to respectively submit that you have your history all wrong here. You have an incorrect impression too. Those who are all-in direct action aren’t often that way because of any sense of idealism.

In fact, it’s most usually the other way around. Most of us started out as idealists and like you start out with a same pre-propagandized faith that voteHarder™ actually ‘works’. It’s only after sad experiences, and gaining knowledge of the historical record, and even sometimes giving theory a little credibility, that makes most of us direct action folks how we are.


I see the idealists as the ones who think that direct action is a very Kumbaya version of MLK and Gandhi and the pragmatists as the ones who are willing to take more of a Robert F. Williams line, or at least to ally with those who do.

In the not at all surprising news department, Umbrella Man that was caught on video breaking store windows to incite looting/rioting that went on for weeks and resulted in two deaths has been identified. He’s a white supremacist member of the Hells Angel’s. He’s not been charged with a crime.


Cop and white supremacist aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, dare I say there’s a positive correlation?!?

Oh. In that case he’s not dangerous, he’s just really passionate about his love for America.


