Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

From what Sabo has been talking about the biggest, or one of the biggest problems anyway, is that the “landlord” is a corporation - some REIT. I think that might be portrayed differently.

Perhaps. But those corporations are run by greedy people.

Come on lol. Sneering big-nosed overweight guy holding keys? There are a million ways to portray it not like that. If that artist didn’t do that as a dog whistle I’ll eat my fucking hat.

Sneering and holding keys are going to be universal to any landlord-kicking-out-sympathetic-tenant cartoon. You can’t use those.

Even the dude pictured in your example that you linked doesn’t look overweight. He just has an enormous head on a normal sized body. A feature common to many caricatures (but interestingly, not this one – they’ve got small heads on giant bodies).

So, I guess you’re pinning the whole thing on nose size? It doesn’t seem super big especially in proportion to those giant shark teeth.

My mind interprets the pointy part sticking out as hair, so it feels like the figure holding the keys doesn’t even have a nose, unlike the other two.

I’m definitely not seeing it.


If I squint I guess I can. I’d be very surprised if that was the artist’s intent but who knows.

I am just enraged and saddened at how little knowledge and support there is of these protests in Portland. The propaganda/bread and circuses machine is a god.




Hell of an image.

I need a macro that auto-likes chad posts.


It’s frustrating to me that the timing of this is such that we’re going to have to wait 2-4 years for real change at the local level in most places. Which is to say that the powers that be are still not inclined to act in meaningful ways in most places, which means organizing strong primary challenges, winning and enacting meaningful reform.

In the mean time the protesters are realistically fighting to inspire others, to keep the cause front of mind, and to protect all of our rights to speak out in dissent in public. I guess a few cities are getting meaningful change sooner, which is a huge win in those places and can hopefully provide positive evidence and a blueprint for other locales.

All that said, PocketChads have you considered running for city council or something like that in the Dem primary next cycle?

Super fucked up video. Description. Dude is standing in front of the Stasi with a boombox above his head and they fucking shoot him right in the face with a beanbag. He’s in the hospital with obviously a brain injury and " The munition left him with a depressed skull fracture “extremely close to the optic nerve,” she said. Surgeons used “mesh and titanium to put his forehead back together,”

Like, there is no defending the fact that they aimed directly at his head and shot him right in the fucking face on purpose. JFC

It’s not graphic until the end where you see his face and all the blood which is pretty bad obviously.


I can’t remember which thread this was posted in:

But a good friend of mine is a public defender in LaGrange, so I texted her to see if she knew anything about it, and it turns out she’s representing him.


I just had a weird experience. I like to go on early morning drives just to get out, makes sure the car gets miles, and I find it super peaceful in the mornings.

As I pulled out on my street I passed 3 police SUVs. They were parked with their lights off and as I passed they immediately followed me. I’ve never even seen a cop at this time of the morning so this was strange. I made a turn and they all followed. I started thinking shit, do they have my plates from when I dropped off water and snacks to local protesters and cheered them on? Do they monitor local social media? Are they looking for someone and think I’m them? If they pull me over what’s more risky, asking if I can put on my masks or just letting them approach me with no mask on.

After awhile they turned down a main street. I realize I was being paranoid. But if you remember my earlier posts I’ve been INSANELY privileged when it comes to police interactions. I couldnt imagine the terror if I was black.

In closing, fuck the police.




I got the Mulford Act, but is this generally true? For one thing, there barely is any gun control in the US. That Mulford Act was maybe before gun control was such a hard-line partisan issue. Other, more recent, gun control measures seem to be only supported by the Dems and never even a little bit by the GOP.

I don’t see the GOP response at this point ever being for gun control.

LC Thread… I posted it, didn’t know it was related to BLM

Gotcha. My friend told me she called dibs on his case even before he got arrested because his video made her laugh