Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Garrett Foster was murdered last night peacefully protesting at a BLACK LIVES MATTER protest in Austin, Texas with his fiance, whitney, who is a quadruple amputee because of serious medical negligence.

She was thrown off her wheelchair and he was shot 3 times.

SAY HIS NAME 😭 pic.twitter.com/q13r3JR35u

— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) July 26, 2020


We finally get gun control?

No, that’s what would happen if the NFAC opened up on the Boogaloo boys.

Who would have thought that redeploying a bunch of ICE agents and federal prison guards with no training in this sort of thing to conduct riot control might not be the best idea?

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That’s what I meant.

Or harsher prison sentences with fewer gun regulations

Or they declare NFAC and BLM terrorist organizations

One of the more disturbing things is watching the white and black separatists join in their hate of Jewish people. Happens a lot more then you think.


Is medium a credible site? My progressive buddy is pushing that there are large numbers of blackwater mercenaries at the protests


That imagery looks a little antisemitic TBH. Actually, looking at it closer, it looks a lot antisemitic.


Can you say how, exactly?

Giant, creepy metal cop head has got to go

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The landlord has exaggeratedly big facial features, such as the nose. That looks a bit like part of a Star of David in the top left. There may be more that I’m missing.

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Are they all supposed to be cops or is one a landlord?

I don’t want to repost the stereotypical caricature, but yes, look up antisemitic tropes nad the trope of the overweight big-nosed Jewish banker looks exactly like that. Even the facial expression.

Here’s one:

Your sarcasm detector is broken.

Yeah. I mean, it’s a dog-whistle. You don’t draw it that way by mistake.

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I don’t think exactly means what you think it means.

Finding antisemitism in that seems like a pretty big stretch to me.

You might want to check out what one of those looks like

If that badge qualifies as “like a Star of David”, then most any star shaped object would.

This is going to be a next to impossible needle for an artist to thread. What is he supposed to do?

He wants to portray the landlord as greedy, as that is what is motivating the eviction, but he has got to make sure no one even remotely thinks it’s a Jew. Pretty tough, imo. I guess he could make the landlord Black or Asian or something. But that would be problematic in a different way.