Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


this has an “Al Capone finally went to jail for tax fraud” feel

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Have you tried voting harder?


I understand where you’re coming from, but like most lasting change still comes from legislation. Protests can change public opinion, but then the change comes from the voting that follows. Protests can apply pressure to leaders for more immediate action, but again they’re acting due to fear of electoral consequences. It’s not like protesters are going to overthrow the government.


I think the most obvious would be the civil rights legislation in the mid-to-late 60s.

Isn’t this kind of the same thing? The wealthy say this is too costly just give them what they want, with the implied or else being they’ll donate to someone who will do it?

Give me an example of meaningful change that came from direct action with no relevant legislation. You could perhaps cite a SCOTUS case or something but you’re still talking about direct action → political opinions changing → court ruling.

Examples are too numerous to mention, going back hundreds of years, but you could start by reading about this.

Apartheid sparked significant international and domestic opposition, resulting in some of the most influential global social movements of the twentieth century.[18] It was the target of frequent condemnation in the United Nations and brought about an extensive arms and trade embargo on South Africa.[19] During the 1970s and 1980s, internal resistance to apartheid became increasingly militant, prompting brutal crackdowns by the National Party government and protracted sectarian violence that left thousands dead or in detention.[20] Some reforms of the apartheid system were undertaken, including allowing for Indian and Coloured political representation in parliament, but these measures failed to appease most activist groups.[21]

LOL no. The fact that you even think this just shows how pervasive the propaganda is here.

What happened then is that downtrodden types got semi-organized and got fully ‘uppity’. They used direct action to change the facts on the ground. Then capitalists started getting nervous…

So the capitalists had their faithful servants, the donkeys & elephants, commence a “rear-guard” placation action by “giving” to these downtrodden folks what they had already taken by themselves… so these downtrodden folks wouldn’t just simply take more.

“If we can’t sit at the table of democracy, we’ll knock the fucking legs off! But before we tear it completely down they will move to build a better one rather than see it destroyed.”





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The only reason federal agents aren’t simultaneously occupying every city in the US and are forced to cooperate with local authorities who at least are not a blank check for totalitarianism is that there aren’t enough federal police to do it.

Deny resources to the police state at every single opportunity. Never give them more because you think the people temporarily in charge are cool. Never imagine requiring the money can only be used in ways you like will be effective.



Well that would explain why they would move out of Seattle and Portland. Limited federal agents to brutalize protestors, so he is diverting them to swing states where he can brutalize the voters who might endanger his reelection/the country.


Trump has to be able to declare victory, so ofc he has to withdraw at some point and announce that he totally stopped all the rioting. Then it’s off to another city.


Goofy, have you also listened to Robert’s podcasts Behind the Police and Behind the Bastards? Just heard of them and curious if they are worth a deep dive.

Nailed it.

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Couple of swing states in there

Does this poll well in swing states? Are there even any big protests there?

IDK, but feds brutalizing and/or murdering a few people there will probably start a protest or two.

not sure which thread to put this in. Would fit here, the cancel culture thread, the lol democrats thread, or even the main thread where the glowingly-praised interview with Shor was originally posted…