Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

So everyone on the street is the KPD, some dumb fuck monuments are akin to a burning Capitol and that poor kid LeGend Talifero is about to become stupid season’s answer to Horst Wessel. Only Herr Trumpo and his Schutzstaffel can keep the decent people safe.

Whats that? Google said german communist party lol.

Precisely that. The red menace.

Like it genuinely seems Roger De Bris is making the casting decisions for the pisspoor Hollywood remake of a German classic.

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Those people will just come up with some reason to justify the use of force anyway.

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I don’t think one of them is a deplorable. Just a both sides. They literally said " I spend all day researching this stuff so I know and can tell you both sides, it was only the portland police who did this, it was the US soldiers who were dressed in camo and the police in all black. "

I said you should spend some of that time brushing up on your google skills because there aren’t any US soldiers there, those are federal DHS agents lol. Wasn’t sure if the Portland PD was in on the gassing and flashbangs though, they aren’t allowed to do that though right so it couldn’t have been them? Only the feds are doing that shit from what I’ve seen but I went to bed early last night.

That’s good, maybe some of the anti-mask Trumpkins will turn on cops now too. But being that it’s Florida, when they say “cracking down on wearing masks” they probably mean the cops will make people take their masks off.

Mayor of Chicago



She’s accepting different “agents” from trump and taking his word that they will only be there to help cops fight crime and not doing anything to protestors (CPD can handle that on their own anyways)


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I did find it a little suspicious that the mayor of Portland couldn’t do the same thing if it mattered :(

No mayor deserves any credit for a sternly worded statement, especially if it is followed by doing fuckall to actually stop Trump’s stormtroopers.


Portland keeping their cops away is probably the best anyone could hope for. They’ll probably still end up in the crowd in their off-duty boogaloo capacity. Watch out for those armbands.

Your rulers aren’t going to save you from their rulers.


Gallup poll of 36k people says:

Some 94% of respondents said some change was needed to improve policing, with 58% saying major change needs to happen, and 36% saying minor change needs to happen. Only 6% said no changes are needed.

Back Americans are much more likely than whites to want major police reform (just under 90%). However a slight majority of white Americans did agree major police reform was needed (51%).

Only 14% of Republicans said major reform was needed, compared to 89% of Democrats, and 60% of independent voters. Most Republicans, 72%, said minor changes are needed.



That is a good point. I’ve been thinking about similar things a lot, how important it is to be vocal and visible with family and friends. Polite deference is over. We don’t have to be family. We don’t have to be friends. Me being silent so as not to offend their racist sensibilities is more insane than them being so racist.


This editorial is the last straw for me. I’ve long accepted that the Trib is a republican rag, but I’m done after today. Calling to cancel right now in fact.




Here’s the actual editorial:


Basically complete propaganda, including blatant things like saying “the angry white woke world, with their Black Lives Matter allies, continue [sic] to attack public monuments to Western culture.”

I mean, embracing Robert E Lee as a “monument to Western culture” is striking honesty in a certain sense.


Update: my subscription is canceled.


I was suggesting that if there’s something contractual that they’re violating, it might be cause to terminate the contracts that are currently huge impediments to reform.

It’s 2020 and we’ve still got supposed liberal firebrand mayors “taking him at his word.”

LOL GJGE Lori Lightfoot.

Thanks for sharing. I’m a little cash broke the next couple weeks after paying taxes and preparing to pay rent and security deposit on a new place, but I Venmo’d them a small amount.