Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I keep thinking of this verse from Hamilton, and this seems like a perfect example…

“There’s only one way for us to win this.
Provoke outrage, outright.
Don’t engage, strike by night.
Remain relentless til their troops take flight.
Make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight.
Outrun, outlast.
Hit 'em quick, get out fast.
Stay alive until this horror show has passed.
We’re gonna fly a lot of flags half-mast.
Raise a glass!”

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Philly is not cool with this Trump jawn.





That’s a shame gif


Well now he might end up doing some time after he gets acquitted of the murder charge by an all white jury.


According to the family, video recorded from the scene shows medical officials refusing to enter the Chop zone without a police escort. The lawsuit claims Anderson lay bleeding in the street for 20 minutes before a volunteer medic transported him to hospital, where he died.

FD/paramedics/ambulance drivers would have to be morons to think it would be safer with police escort. Maybe there’s more to it than they just said they couldn’t go in.

Him not downtown, but watching a friends feed from Portland. Apparently the mayor of the city is on the front line getting gassed right now. Kind of just gained some respect for a guy people don’t seem to like.


Tear gas being deployed now.

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When you cancel your subscription, you miss stuff like this.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday defended sending a series of insulting text messages to Chicago FOP President John Catanzara in which she called him a “clown,” “fraud,” “cartoon character” and “liar,” saying the comments were justified because he supported President Donald Trump sending “troops” into the city.

I don’t think having a conservative columnist is a unsubscribe offense. He even blocked me on Twitter arguing about sports.

Lol @ tear gassing the mayor. JFC.



By God, Republicans will never stand for this egregious violation of States’ Rights, a pillar of their ideology which they take extremely seriously.


Not to derail, but what is happening in Portland is an example of why deplatforming Tom Cotton is not a great idea. People actually need to have it explained to them why having de facto military on the streets is a fucking bad idea. Not letting Cotton write op-eds does not stop the President from just going ahead and doing it.

You’re going to have to walk me through the reasoning there.


States Rights! Unless They Get Too Uppity!

idk what there is to explain but:

  1. Having federal troops on the ground taking on the citizenry under the direct control of the Commander In Chief is not great if one wants to avoid a dictatorship

  2. Most people do not understand this


  1. Therefore there needs to be a debate about this. Deplatforming the President of the United States doesn’t work, he’s the fucking President. People need to be educated about why this is a bad idea.
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Did the Tom Cotton piece educate people about why that is bad (I didn’t read it so I’m genuinely curious) or are you saying it opened up a convo that wouldn’t have happened if that piece wasn’t in the times?

I think it’s more that it legitimized the idea by having it appear in the NYT.

And this implies the NYT should run an op ed in FAVOR of using the military against civilians because…