Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)



So in Tom Cotton’s world the people waving the Confederate flags are not the ones who should be compared to the Confederacy, they’re just exercising their right to free speech. The ones that are comparable to the Confederacy, however, are the people protesting the death of black people in this country. Makes perfect sense, thanks Tom.


I’ve been stalking a former neighbor online for years just to keep tabs on the POS. I bought a home adjacent to his in 2003 and he was a complete prick from day 1. I was able to ignore him for 5 years until he subdivided his lot and the the city told him he couldn’t provide access across his lot, so he’d have to get an easement from me. I blew him off for a few months and he showed up at my door one day asking me what my problem was. I told him my problem was that he only ever approached me with his hand out, offering nothing in return. Never granted the easement and he eventually lost his home to foreclosure. Fast forward to 2018, I look him up and find that one of his new neighbors (he’s living in one of his dad’s extra homes) filed a lawsuit against him for stalking, which he denied. Her attorneys responded to the denial by getting is cell phone records and confirming that his phone was pinging nearby cell towers on the same dates and at the same times that is victim claimed she saw him.

tl/dr–use a recording device at protests that doesn’t rat you out to authorities.

On a related note, the city of Seattle used to track cell phone wifi signals to approximate commute times through downtown until the ACLU jumped on them for invasion of privacy.

Yup the real confederates are the ones tearing down confederate monuments and the anti confederates are the ones flying the treason flag and defending them. Republicans are shameless.


Also keep in mind that stuff like a Fitbit also has a ton of location data on it. Especially the new ones with built-in GPS.


How the fuck is anyone asking “Is this legal?” anymore? The only relevant question is, “Will Mitch McConnell stop it?”

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If only all of this shit were true.

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Someone needs to spam all this stuff with so much garbage info that it makes it all hard to use.

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I love it, so many people making it obvious we don’t want the fed goons here. I have to admit I didn’t think the protests were going to get bigger and bigger, but the feds start pulling their bullshit kidnapping and shooting heads and then out come the moms, now there’s a dad group showing up, and it’s not stopping.



God I hate this fucking guy:

I wonder what police union contracts say about chain of command and skipping over the mayor to ask the president for something, in a way that could embarrass the department.

They’re going to try it all over the place. A police group will “formally” request Trump and the fedthugs’ help in their city, often going completely against the governor’s and the mayor’s (and their constituents’) wishes, pleas, and even legal challenges. And they’ll get away with it. It seems somewhat similar to setting up your own little workaround of the State Dept so you can extort Ukraine. They got away with it. Why bother with proper legal channels? Lesson learned Susan Collins! You C.


I doubt they give a shit. Tide is turning against them and they’re lashing out. If the feds show up and start cracking skulls per their invitation, their demise will come that much sooner.

I’m currently at the federal courthouse in Portland. Its intense. We were chased off with gas and flashbangs once but are back at the building. Maybe a couple thousand people now


Shit started with my FB feed cutting out, may be coincidental. Than them rushing around a corner they normally wouldn’t ten feet from me seconds later. They gassed and flashbanged a good three blocks. Where there is a standoff

It is a testament to how awesome Portland is that they go back multiple times after getting chased away. I had to leave to catch the last train home, going back tomorrow night.


One very interesting thing I noticed tonight was the complete lack of Portland cops. A month ago there would be locals following protesters through the city with illegal assembly announcements and gas. Now the feds just chase them away from the building gassing with no warning, no local cops.

If anyone has video of the feds being violent towards peaceful protesters that would be appreciated, I have people denying it on my facebook saying they watched the streams and it didn’t happen.