Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


I cover my face entirely, but I’m going to start protesting as a furry.


Just get some tinted goggles and a gaiter. Multiples of each to mix and match.

I dunno really, it’s pretty clear that they know almost everyone there and we’re in the future. What is unknown is how far they will go with this information. We’re getting a glimpse now, and it’s scary, but it could get much worse although that’s not certain.

Stay off the front line imo. Stay with a crowd. And be ready to run.

Time for everyone to have V for Vendetta masks?

Also, time for everyone who is ok with surveillance to stop being ok with surveillance.


This is certainly a step too far. There’s no way this isn’t going to result in a bunch of false positives

JFC this is bad


Watching some of my friends feeds from downtown Portland, a veteran for peace protest looks massive. Protesters cover the street 2-3 city blocks long. Crowds have not been that large downtown since early- mid June. Curious if they will gas veterans. Heading down tomorrow night.


My friend messsaged me 10k or more. I don’t know if that’s true. Here’s a stream. A lot of people.



The Department of Homeland Security has authorized its personnel to collect information on protesters who threaten to damage or destroy public memorials and statues, regardless of whether they are on federal property, a significant expansion of authorities that have historically been used to protect landmarks from terrorist attacks.

The new guidance was issued as department personnel have been dispatched to police and detain people protesting police violence, itself an untraditional role for a department set up to secure borders and transportation systems.

The guidance, first reported by the blog Lawfare, appears to authorize monitoring of social media posts as well as the use of public information sources to keep tabs on individuals or groups the department says may “damage or destroy any public monument, memorial, or statue.”

dog in room on fire dot jpg

Portland showing no signs of letting up




Mask up in the future at any of these. Sunglasses/hat, too. If you’re really paranoid, alter your gait as well - that’s a signature a computer can pick up off video.

Might be time for V for Vendetta style masks, cover the whole face.

Also, to everyone. Do. Not. Take. Your. Phone. To. A. Protest. They are absolutely positively tracking cellular location data.

Didn’t see this before I typed it, agree obviously.

It’s terrifying but it’s not going anywhere. Like even if we banned X, Y, Z at the government level, Amazon or Microsoft or someone would develop it. If we banned them, Russia would do it… We should fight the good fight here, but maybe the best we can hope for is making it inadmissible in court or something.

So basically the new heirarchy is:

Cabinet Level (DHS, ICE, CBP, etc)
Police Unions/Fraternal Order of Police
Mayor/Police Chief

I don’t think we can put mayors above police chiefs because they don’t always follow orders on these matters. I think we can keep governor above them… for now.

Obviously there’s downward pressure on elected officials and upward lift on cops.

It’s unraveling WAY faster than I would have expected.

Stay safe and protect your identity!

I’m almost certainly on a list, pretty sure I’ve RT’d/celebrated some traitors’ statues coming down.

More like dead dog burnt to a crisp dot waaf

I’m oscillating between the protesters giving me hope and the rapid descent further into fascism making me want to curl up in a ball. But, damn, Portland is showing out. Trump fucked around and found out. Should have started that shit literally like anywhere but Portland.

Scared as I am, this shit is probably coming to Philly soon and I now know the protests didn’t cause spikes in covid. I’m confident if they start playing unmarked federal body snatchers here, we’re going to show up the next day in a big way.


You need video on the ground though. The only reason people aren’t being slaughtered is because they know it’s on social media.


Fucking police unions, the worst of the worst unions, going above city and state governments to get the Trump nazis to come in and kidnap people is so insanely bad. It seems like Portland is a test run, and now apparently KC too. I’m kind of expecting the expansion of the federal goons into all other major dem run cities to happen simultaneously. They’re going to do this in one big flash bang so its impossible to properly cover and too overwhelming to stop.

Fucking “states right small government Obama is a police state” assholes will be cheering it on the entire way.



Use an old phone in airplane mode with no sim card, perhaps?

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A strongly worded tweet!

She should be calling up the guard, closing off streets to block the feds in, and ordering police to block the feds off. She won’t, for obvious reasons.

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Her twitter self-describes as fierce, so a fiercely worded tweet.

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Friendly reminder that Bill Barr is a sack of shit: