Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I don’t think you are properly ranking taking a shit in public.

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We might be able to fix that in 10-20 years. The Boomers will never let it happen, and right now we have to fight them AND the military industrial complex.

We should take a page out of the GOP book. Spend on what we want to spend on, fuck the deficit. When it’s out of control, cut equally from both sides. We get our defense cut by increasing other spending, then cutting both. Instead we’re letting them cut taxes every 4-8 years then cut some programs and freeze some military spending.

Also campaign finance reform will be key to winning this fight.


So … maybe Nazi flag guy should be cancelled instead of engaged in good faith?

:wink: Sorry, couldn’t resist!

yes. that’s my point and why the article is so bad. And you are willfully misunderstanding me in the other thread, it seems.

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A beautiful sequence





Yah his later apology didn’t sit the same way with me, but that initial fuck you was :ok_hand:

Woj should have given the “I’m sorry if anyone was offended” apology or at least pointed out that he stands by the general meaning of his e-mail, if not the language.


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Salt Lake City: Police put up yellow tape around the Capitol and they are patrolling, with a handful at the steps just off the street. They also have sprinklers going, but that could be coincidence. Looks like they’re expecting something because of the Palacios shooting decision. I see zero protesters atm. The kid taking a dump on the grounds might be the highlight of the week.

Possible grunch, but those douchebags in St. Louis who pointed guns at peaceful protesters are just the absolute nut low. Highlights below but the article is worth a read, these people are the worst.


But public records and interviews reveal a fuller picture than emerged two weeks ago. They show the McCloskeys are almost always in conflict with others, typically over control of private property, what people can do on that property, and whose job it is to make sure they do it.

They filed a lawsuit in 1988 to obtain their house, a castle built for Adolphus Busch’s daughter and her husband during St. Louis’ brief run as a world-class city in the early 20th century. At the McCloskeys’ property in Franklin County, they have sued neighbors for making changes to a gravel road and twice in just over two years evicted tenants from a modular home on their property.

Mark McCloskey sued a former employer for wrongful termination and his sister, father and his father’s caretaker for defamation.

The McCloskeys have filed at least two “quiet title” suits asserting squatter’s rights on land they’ve occupied openly and hostilely — their terms — and claimed as their own. In an ongoing suit against Portland Place trustees in 2017, the McCloskeys say they are entitled to a 1,143-square-foot triangle of lawn in front of property that is set aside as common ground in the neighborhood’s indenture.

It was that patch of green protesters saw when they filed through the gate. Mark McCloskey said in an affidavit that he has defended the patch before by pointing a gun at a neighbor who had tried to cut through it.

The McCloskeys have filed many other lawsuits. They sued a man who sold them a Maserati they claimed was supposed to come with a box of hard-to-find parts. In one trip to the courthouse in November 1996, Mark McCloskey filed two lawsuits, one against a dog breeder whom he said sold him a German shepherd without papers and the other against the Central West End Association for using a photo of their house in a brochure for a house tour after the McCloskeys had told them not to.

“I guess we were saving gas,” he would quip in a deposition in another case about why he filed two lawsuits at once.

Mark McCloskey has run off trustees trying to make repairs to the wall surrounding his property, insisting that he and his wife own it. In 2013, he destroyed bee hives placed just outside of the mansion’s northern wall by the neighboring Jewish Central Reform Congregation and left a note saying he did it, and if the mess wasn’t cleaned up quickly he would seek a restraining order and attorneys fees. The congregation had planned to harvest the honey and pick apples from trees on its property for Rosh Hashanah.

“The children were crying in school,” Rabbi Susan Talve said. “It was part of our curriculum.”

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So if you threaten people away from public property at gunpoint, not only do you not get charged, you get to lay claim to the property. What a fucking country.


They really are mind-bogglingly bad people.


These people are going to raise a lot of money complaining about being cancelled lol. This is like their fourth cancelling and they still seem plenty rich.

Leaking the document was him holding it up while being filmed by a news crew

While the cop who doxxed the city council woman in the below story is not being held responsible a bit


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Soon after the incident, Kimberly Gardner, the city’s chief prosecutor, said she was alarmed by the videos and that her office was investigating a possible infringement of people’s right to peacefully protest, saying in a statement that “intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated.”


This is fucking horrific. I’ll put the description in case people don’t want to watch.

Maybe its time to start burning these cops alive

Miami Police Officer charged after video emerges showing him kneeling on a pregnant womans neck, tasing her in the stomach twice. She miscarried shortly after. Officer lied in his report and fabricated events that never occured, charging her with Battery on an Officer and Felony Resisting.


Also from the case

He was working as a fucking security guard, she was leaving, and he pulled her out of the car to " issue a warning "

Thank you for the description I don’t want to watch that. Unreal.