Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

They think of us as sheep. Duh.

They are supposed to at least pretend they are sheepdogs, not wolves.


Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba, a Democrat, said the vote will help “divorce” the name of the city from “the legacy of a brutal owner of enslaved people who was instrumental in initiating the Trail of Tears against indigenous people.”

I remember when Chokwe won after his father’s untimely passing. A great day.

The city is not actually removing the statue, just relocating it to a less prominent location lol, but this is a huge step for Jackson.


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The band formerly known as Lady Antebellum is now suing the singer who has been going by Lady A for years in order to use the name. White people, we’re doing it wrong…

It’s still a dick move but apparently they got the trademark for it in 2011.

Is this being live-streamed to your knowledge? I just checked Youtube but didn’t see anything.

And of course they’re back to being shitheads:

The country act now officially known as Lady A has sued a blues, soul and funk singer who says that she has used Lady A as her stage name for two decades.

On June 11, the country trio changed its name to Lady A, saying that they were, in retrospect, “regretful and embarrassed” that they hadn’t considered the loaded and racist history of “antebellum.” This was despite the fact that journalists had challenged them about it for years.

Shortly after the name change was announced, Anita White, who is a Black artist based in Seattle, emerged to say that she had already been performing under that name for about 20 years. It was an inauspicious beginning for the trio’s revamped image.

On June 15, the band posted to Instagram a screenshot of a Zoom call it had with White. “Transparent, honest, and authentic conversations were had,” the trio wrote in part. “We are excited to share we are moving forward with positive solutions and common ground. The hurt is turning into hope.” White posted the same message with the same image, on the same day. In its court filing, the group said that they had begun co-writing a song with White.

I don’t understand how they can be image sensitive enough to change their name, but think that suing a black blues singer isn’t incredibly toxic to their brand.

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Yeah but those 18% are ignorant AF and think the world needs to hear their empty thoughts.

I saw this yesterday and was pretty dumbfounded. Their reps must be incredibly dense to be pursuing this.

Nobody was likely coming after antebellum to begin with. But they have turned lemonade into lemons.



I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that a right-wing media personality would lie to their viewers.

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jesus fucking christ on a cracker. You know I say “framing matters” a lot, right? well, this is a great example of how NOT to do it. This piece makes me want to drive to the station and punch someone. The video and accompanying article make it sound like this asshole is a victim and oh so sad boo hoo and prosecute the people who tore down his flag. ARGH.


FYP :facepunch:


I mean, that’s a given. I really want to punch the reporter, or the editor who allowed it to run like this, or something. It’s ridiculous.


Salt Lake City: DA says shooting Bernardo Palacios was justified. I expected some protests today but when I took a walk around the Capitol, the strongest political statement I saw was a little kid drop his pants and crap behind a tree. Cops were patrolling earlier in the day at the time of the news conference.

Members of the Central Park Five



The Pentagon spent $55.9 billion on research and development last year, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Compare that figure to spending on research on health ($38.9 billion), energy ($4.4 billion) and the environment ($2.8 billion).

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the insanity of our spending priorities. “For the majority of the past two decades, the U.S. government has equated Americans’ national security with military supremacy,” political scientists Neta Crawford of Boston University and Catherine Lutz of Brown write in the Boston Globe . “Instead of investing in programs and supplies that would have saved thousands of lives, our leaders were investing trillions in new weapons and continuing old wars.”