Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I feel like it would depend on how the organization treated the group. Do they celebrate their heritage? Maybe work with charities that support them? Then we could talk, but if not…

(Hint: pretty sure none are doing this.)

That said it’s not like all mascots are animals. You’ve got Patriots, Cowboys, Giants, Raiders, Vikings, Yankees, Mariners, Dodgers, Padres, Celtics, Knicks, Canadians, Senators…

So I’d take it case by case and defer to the group in question.

The police refusing to punish the officer is just a joke right?

I don’t disagree, but I’d still take him over Biden if that was an option.

Protest in Stone Mountain Georgia today





Georgia considers gun control in 3…2…

Why is the media (and this thread) completely ignoring the Seattle vehicular protest murders which are more graphic than Charlottesville? Just because it was a holiday it is out of the news cycle?


The football club has the Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation, whose second half of the name realizes the first half is racist.

That organization seems questionable. Also I was referring to non-derogatory names like Chiefs. The only way I’d support the Washington Football Team keeping their name is if Native Americans actually came out in large numbers to say it was not offensive.

That ain’t happening.

From my newly trumpified sister who I undefriended because she posted too much racist shit. Mind you she loves the 2nd ammendment and they own a ton of guns including illegal ones and defends the white people with them

My God I just for the first time seeing about the black militia in Georgia, It’s crazy they’re threats are fucked up! This is scary shit, they are calling out on war on video. Please watch the whole video from yesterday

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All of these people write like they failed out of school in 3rd grade.

Footage released.

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“The car just speeds right into her,” Rodney Root, who took the video, told WTHR. “She goes up on the hood and a guy is close by. You can see it in the video shortly, a guy tries to stop it and he’s holding on. I’m not sure how long he stayed on the car but the car went full speed.”

Wait for it. Wait for it…

Bloomington PD said the driver and the passenger in the car have not been located as investigators work to learn more about them.

The initial story is horrific enough.

Video footage of part of the incident shared by Booker shows him on all fours, pinned against a tree and surrounded by white men, as others scream for the men to let Booker go. Booker, who NBC News was unable to reach for comment, said he heard the men scream “get a noose,” as he was being attacked. He called the incident “an attempted lynching.” After beating him up, the men let him go when witnesses intervened, Booker said.

They say a passenger in the red Toyota got out and threw someone’s scooter that had been left in the roadway.

According to Bloomington police, a 29-year-old woman tried to intervene, walking in front of the car and putting her hands on the hood. The driver of the car then accelerated, with the woman ending up on the hood of the car. A 35-year-old man grabbed onto the side of the car as it pulled away.

Is it really that romantic to get run over by a 70 year old racist?

+1 I’m hoping that was just worded very poorly.

There are have been dozens of videos of cars showing up to protests with obvious ill intent - and often, protestors seem to immediately try to block them with their bodies - which is obviously exactly what they want.