Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

This. And it’s true even without the genocide part. If there’s never been a Jew anywhere near your organization you should not have a rabbi as your mascot. Even if there’s no oppression anywhere this is true. If there has never been a connection with Swedish people and your organization you don’t make your mascot the Swede. When people did pick Native Americans as mascots it was essentially on the same level as picking bears or beavers.

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There were (and are) black cowboys. I don’t know either way, but I wonder if the team has ever used a human representative or illustrated depiction of a Cowboy that wasn’t white?


As a side note, the cowboy as a symbol of Texas was an intentional switching after the Civil War. Before the Civil War, eastern Texas up to where I35 is now, for all intents and purposes, was Texas. Western Texas didn’t even figure into the imagination of what Texas was, and Eastern Texas specifically modeled itself on the Deep South. After the loss in the Civil War the Deep South wasn’t appealing culturally and with advances in technology the plains became more lucrative so Texas re-imagined itself as a land of cowboys and cattle instead of a land of cotton and slavery even though East Texas remained the economic center of Texas with it’s cotton and sharecropping until the oil era

This has been your moment in Texas history :slight_smile:


Also afaik, pretty much everything cowboy originated in Mexico


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Obviously this depends on execution but I consider both of those changes to be good. The police department should not be mauling the issues of homelessness with their extremely limited tool belt.


I think what you’re saying is all hat, no cattle.



Everything you hear about Cuomo seems to absolutely suck.


But they’re letting out rapists and murderers don’t you understand

I suppose some of them are good people

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I am still very frustrated with the officers who re-enacted the choke hold on Elijah McClain got fired for that picture but not for the actual murder.

It seems like the photos stoked more outrage in people than the actual act.


It wasn’t the same officer right?

And here the three percenters are always saying they are not racist and are only protecting free speech…and thats why they were there marching with the Nazis at Charlottesville, right?

Yeah sure…shouldn’t they since they value free speech be marching with BLM protecting them from governmental intimidation.

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He’s a centrist Dem that is cozy with rich people. He’s not unique.

Entities promote people who resemble the people currently at the top.

Cuomo and Schumer, two centrist peas in a NY Dem pod.

One of the four officers (jason rosenblatt) involved in the picture was also one (out of 3) cops involved in the death of Elijah but he got 3 other good apples to join him in the fun of mocking the kids death. I’ve posted the kids last words a couple of times and being able to mock that after being involved in the death is insanely disgusting