Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)



Not that anyone will be surprised by this:

George Floyd was visibly scared and appeared to be the verge of tears as officers confronted him outside a South Minneapolis store in an encounter that would ultimately result in his death, according to new police body camera video released Wednesday. The footage, captured by cameras worn by two of the four officers charged in Floyd’s May 25 slaying, present an even more desperate scene than previously known as Floyd moaned and begged for his life while pinned to the ground, a white police officer’s knee at his throat for more than eight minutes.

The body camera videos show Floyd trying to cooperate with the police but appearing increasingly anxious and afraid of them. He repeatedly begged officers not to shoot him and complained of being claustrophobic as they tried to place him in a squad car. Restrained by officers, Floyd complained at least 25 times he could not breathe, telling the police he’d been diagnosed with covid-19.

As then-officer Derek Chauvin pressed a knee into his neck, he told Floyd that he must be okay because he was able to speak, saying that he was using up a lot of oxygen pleading for help.

“They’ll kill me. They’ll kill me,” Floyd gasped in response. Within a few seconds, Floyd was motionless. He was later pronounced dead.

One of the rookie cops literally pulled his gun on Floyd while he was sitting in the car

Lane’s body camera shows he approached the car and tapped on the window of a blue SUV that Floyd was driving. Floyd initially didn’t respond but then looked over his shoulder and seemed scared to see Lane, who by then had pulled his gun.

Floyd tried to get out of the car. Lane, his gun drawn, shouted at him to show his hands at least five times. At one point, Floyd appeared to begin sobbing, tapping his head on a steering wheel and holding up his hands.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Floyd responded, according to a transcript of Lane’s body camera. “I didn’t do nothing. … What did I do though? What did we do, Mr. Officer?”

As Lane asked him to step out of the car, Floyd apologized several times and repeatedly asked the officer not to shoot him.

“I’m sorry; I’m so sorry. God dang, man. Man, I got shot. I got shot the same way, Mr. Officer, before,” Floyd told Lane. “Mr. Officer, please don’t shoot me. Please, man.”

And, in a shocking twist, a black guy was acting weird around the police because he was terrified for his life

As Kueng walked Floyd to a sidewalk, Lane asked Hill about Floyd’s behavior.

“Why’s he getting all squirrelly and not showing us his hands and just being all weird like that?” he asked.

“I have no clue. Because he’s been shot before,” Hill told him.

Lane asked whether Floyd was “drunk” or “on something.”

“No, he got a thing going on, I’m telling you, about the police,” Hill replied. “He have problems all the time when they come, especially when that man put that gun like that.”

Fucking murderers:

“They going to kill me,” Floyd said. “They’re going to kill me, man.”

“Takes a heck of a lot of oxygen to say that,” Chauvin said.



AOC tweeting about this.





Looks like they are probably part of this program


If they won’t identify themselves and I live in a stand your ground state I can say I thought I was being attacked so I protected myself?

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The “Police” patch is adequate notification.

This habit of mine of replying sincerely to joke posts is unfortunate.

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I’m not so happy with the Defunders. Sounds too much like budget cutbacks. Abolish the Police!


Interested to see how this goes.

That video is super weird. Why didn’t they put him in restraints? Like I’ve never see any sort of police agency arrest someone without putting them in restraints. Especially in a vehicle where they could cause serious havoc by attacking the driver. That and their are no words spoken and the guy is calm as fuck for someone being taken by some unidentified militarized agency into a fucking minivan.

I saw a popular theory on Reddit that maybe he’s undercover and they’re extracting him. But then why go through all that when he can just tell the group he’s going home or w/e and not have a scene?

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guys, I know you’re all asleep, but it’s fucking happening. Don’t we have some folks in Portland?


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I saw that earlier today, and I don’t know how to process it. Like I expected it, I called it 2.5-3 weeks ago - maybe ITT? It was obviously coming, but like what the fuck do we do?

Pack a go bag to leave at a moment’s notice? I don’t think we’re there yet, but I think it’s time to start making a plan. But then what? Drive to Canada? Can’t get in… I feel like we’re basically just stuck here and hope for the best. I have no logical moves.

First they’ll do this shit to scare protesters, they’ll charge some, they’ll try to scare others then release them. When there’s no public outcry, which there won’t be, they’ll know they can go father. They’ll start with Antifa and people they claim are Antifa. None of the “normies” will care. They’ve been demonized enough. Then it’ll be BLM, or “anarchists” and when they get away with that they’ll know they can do more… They’ll say the courts are too backed up, they need to hold people indefinitely. They’ll claim it’s national security.

Eventually they’ll basically be camps.

This is the path we’re on. We’ve been mocked for predicting it since 2016. It’s happening unless something or someone stops it. Maybe the election will be soon enough to stop it?

I just don’t know.

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“violent anarchists”

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I mean America has paid for and supplied right wing death squads in 50 other countries why not the home turf too? The Jakarta method is a proven success. There are no left wing movements remaining they have all been genocided by American proxies. Time to bring it home.




Some scary shit going on in Portland





No ID or badges, so then what about @nobody’s point? How does a civilian know it’s not just some neo-nazis wearing camo? Therefore, wouldn’t civilians be in the right to exercise self-defense?

Obv it would backfire since it turns out they actually are military police, but I’m just putting myself into the shoes of a person getting assaulted/kidnapped by a stranger. If I happened to be armed, then maybe I wouldn’t just get into an unmarked car of an unidentified person (esp if I were black, considering the recent lynchings). Any white supremacist with a small enough dick can rock the camo, so camo doesn’t tell me whether I’m being arrested or kidnapped.

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Yeah it’s scary shit but i would bet that some of these military police are already white supremacists

Some of those that work forces…