Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Let us all weep for the downtrodden multimillionaires. Hopefully they will catch a break someday.

What they were feeling as protesters made their way past the house is what at least 50% of cops feel in almost every encounter with the public they have. Up that number to 90% if dealing with a Black person.

These people are unhinged. And the consequences are devastating.

I know what I’m saying is obvious, but I don’t think people understand that these people are cops without the training. And there’s no mentality training because in the police force being terrified like this is a positive.


His wife doesn’t know anything about guns, so he gives her a gun and is fine with her pointing it at people with her hand on the trigger.


In his defense, he wouldn’t really consider them people. It’s more like pointing a gun at a rabid animal, from a certain point of view.

He has a different idea of who the heroes and who the villains were in the Storming of the Bastille than I do, or France does.


I think it had something to do with the benevolent rich job creators giving ungrateful uppity poor people free cake, and the selfish animals murdered the innocent rich people anyway. A cautionary tale!

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I think the most interesting thing here is that they thought the Bastille was being stormed and instantly assumed that the poors were finally coming for them in their castle. Somebody has a very guilty conscience about how they made all that money.

Personal injury attorneys would actually have contact with some poors in their life (representing them on a legal max contingency ldo)… and they are certain people are coming for them finally. It’s like they’ve been expecting it. I can’t get that out of my head. It really puts all the upper middle class+ second amendment nuts arsenals in a different light. They aren’t really scared of home invaders, they’re scared that the revolution is going to come some day… and their barista is going to want their head on a spike.

I really had no idea they were so self aware tbh.


Well, by far the most dangerous people there were the two white lunatics waiving around guns. So they kind of have a point.


He doesn’t know anything about guns either since he gave one to his wife.

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So these people clearly broke the law on camera and have admitted it as well, will they face any legal consequences?

They aren’t self-aware. They’ve lived their entire lives thinking everyone they come across wants their head. That they accidentally are living through it being true doesn’t mean it’s not mere coincidence.

Also, people don’t even want their heads. We’ve got protestors handing over video of someone burning down Wendy’s to the cops and being applauded by most. Nobody is coming for anybody in the near future except white supremacists militias and adjacents coming after leftists and liberals.

Way safer to fuck with the stock market than the housing market IMO. You’re absolutely correct that a huge number of Americans have their entire net worth tied up in a house.

There are plenty of ways to work around it. Most of them involve eliminating poverty. Every single newly minted not poor person then contributes their housing demand to the real estate market. If anything it helps prop the whole thing up for a few more generations.

What you can’t do is fix poverty while maintaining the bloated ahistoric profit margins that stock valuations depend on. Either you get the money to pay for it by tax or by forcing them to give a bigger revenue share to labor. Either way promises to the investor class are going to get broken because they are batshit insane and have absolutely nothing to do with any plausible future.

People in expensive houses don’t mind that affordable housing exists. They just don’t want to live near them or have their taxes go towards supporting them.

Nah, they are just racist and probably drunk. All they had to do was look out of their window to see that their house wasn’t being stormed at 3pm on a Sunday.

They don’t want their kids near poor kids. And I get it, poor kids are a real problem. I think there shouldn’t be any more of those. The core problem underlying MANY huge problems in our society is that we keep 60% of our population in a state of desperation so that we can force them to do unpleasant work for less than they’d charge if they had the leverage to say no.

No more poor people. The best way to fix all of this is to just dump vast amounts of no strings attached money on the whole population (it’ll have a massively disproportionate impact on the bottom 60% and we’ll tax the top 40% to pay for it… and we’ve already watched them turn the middle class against welfare by turning it into something only ‘they’ get).

At this point, standing in front of/blocking/surrounding police SUVs during these protest seems like a bad idea or nah?

Depends who you’re rooting for I suppose, when protesters surround your vehicle and the’ve NEVER attacked a cop yet then it’s probably best to sit it out until a space opens up, take a few choice words from them, words never hurt you know, sticks and stones and all that.

Where did you get the 40% number from?

“I was a racist until someone climbed onto my cruiser windshield and shouted at me”