Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Why would anyone ever want to live in a place that looked like this?

sanity check: this is the twitter account of an actual congressman ?


I would be pretty cool living there if you enjoyed LSD and Shrooms on a regular basis.

Say what?



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The only word I understood was Prius. That dude is dead in USA#1.

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The best thing for the cops to do is to say, " you know what? You are right. I quit." And then throw badges on the ground.


Pretty sure we’re nowhere in the neighborhood of what I’m talking about lol. The so called safety net is trash and I would classify almost the entire bottom 60% of the population as poor.

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The only people not aware that the masses could instantly end the party are the ones who can end it.


People still have not come to grips with what it really takes to end poverty.

There is still a paternalistic nature to many well intentioned people.

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What is the mystery? Is what they have in Sweden/Finland/etc not replicable?

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I could run behind that line all day. Sup, bro?

I think she’s what our UK neighbors refer to as “beef to the heel.”

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It’ll never happen anywhere in Ontario thanks to Mike Harris and his amalgamation fiasco. You’ll never get enough progressives on council to carry a motion like that with all the suburban Kens and Karens your city now contains and the assholes they elect to represent them. We’re living it here in Ottawa as well.

That vote doesn’t surprise me, its basically split along the downtown core who are more liberal and the more suburban people who are all in on police violence to protect them from imaginary urban danger.




I bet triceratops is ok going into that neighborhood, just not the neighborhoods next to it.

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The derposphere and 2A nutters have gotten their marching orders. Seeing a lot of “they were trespassing on private property, they broke through a gate, ran towards the house with weapons threatening to kill the people and their dog” posts today.