Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Well, … it didn’t happen in 2019, did it?

Lawyers. Both of them. Of course.

Those two nuts are a perfect example of how money cannot buy happiness. They both look like miserable people.

Give me a few protesters with some nice chuckin’ rocks vs these two clowns all day

I agree with you, I wouldn’t design my home that way but this appears to be the real version of what Trump pretends to be.

It’s my understanding that what they’re doing is not only extremely illegal, but that any “responsible gun owner” would be horrified at the fact that they’re pointing their guns at people. So it’s just crazy to me that they have plenty of defenders on twitter.

You should see all the slurpers on tweeter screaming about trespassing.

Nothing more important than to kill an uppity black who thinks they can trespass.


Good god go away


Yes, elitism towards that couple with the gated mansion who somehow still needs guns to feel safe from people of color.


Hey if this couple still needed Guns then has the popo really done a good job? Or maybe the people be right, that they need overhauled.

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Given that this happens literally nowhere else in the developed world, yes, I’d say that makes them freaks.


Megan Mushmouth,

Nothing those imbeciles did was legal or justified. You can’t stand in your yard pointing loaded weapons at people on a sidewalk. Even if it is a private road.

The good news, I guess, now that that house is sure to burgled, the burglar will net a couple of guns.

I’ve managed to obtain a photo of the burglar in action


Even if they’re black people? I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!


I’ve seen people have verified unloaded guns taken away from them on the set of a TV show for handling their weapons nowhere close to as irresponsibly as that Karen power couple.



If that couple had a shred of intelligence they would have realized that putting out some “black lives matter” signs would have done far more to protect their home than waving guns at protesters.

Also this is like straight-up attempted murder, what the actual fuck

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This…appears real
