Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

This is just a crazy thought that passed through my head when I noticed the chair in the corner in the picture with the fireplace, but I imagined that if someone has a chair in their house than no one has ever sat in that it could be broken over their heads. Just a random crazy thought.

Like suzzer said, it’s actually pretty well done. The issue is building a lol palazzo in lol St. Louis in 1907. It’s completely out of touch with the place and times, in an era when there was a lot of great, uniquely American and uniquely Midwestern architecture going on, including peak Prairie Style by this guy. It’s a building that doesn’t interact with its surroundings in any way and has nothing to say about anything, other then the obvious message of ostentatious nouveau riche yearnings of a Busch dynasty spoiled brat.


All the big old money mansions in KC are the same.

The room with the fireplace reminds me of a room in one of the old libraries at my University. It was a nice room and I used to go there to study a lot. As a study for a couple ambulance chasers I can imagine it making people think of guilotines.

That’s not surprising at all since I’m sure it was all new money when they were built.

personally, i thought the house looked pretty great but honestly finding a nice new money house (regardless of price) is pretty damn hard. most are atrocious. even when you drive down the beach in west palm beach it is just one monstrosity after another. you basically have to be a billionaire to not end up in a McMansion.

for example, the house with the horse head in the God Father - great house - a cool $150m

This was always my favorite house in KC - just from the outside. I loved the windows.

The coolest part of the house is this big two story stained-glass window that they barely even show in the ad - wtf

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Lol KC. This is what $5M looks like:


Heck yeah! Now there’s a well executed house that reflects its time and place in Midwest architectural history.

eta: microbet’s pic is a sad trombone version of late postmodernism.

These two idiots could have sat inside one of their 30 hideous rooms sipping their $5k bottle of wine that tastes like shit but makes them feel important while the protesters walked by them none the wiser. Instead their FoxNews addled brains drove them to go outside and endanger lives while potentially committing a crime. Incredible. Hopefully they pay for their actions.

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And it’s only $6M. That’s crazy.

Here’s your schools:

I’m guessing the African-Centered College Prep public school isn’t going to be a big draw.


Holy shit she’s really got her finger right on that trigger waving it at people. Let’s pray the safety was on.

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that guy definitely just bought that rifle :joy: he looks uncomfortable as hell just holding it. he’s lucky it didn’t go off while he was messing with the strap. in that last pic if he were to accidentally pull the trigger he’s almost certainly going to drop it lol.

and annie oakley over there… lady just bc you have your finger on the trigger doesn’t mean you’re gonna be able to hit me from 25-30 feet away.

if she’s aiming it at me as i walk past and i’m carrying, aaaand i’m scared for my life bc a clearly disheveled and semi-sober woman is aiming her gun at me, what happens to me if i shoot first?

41-year old white male, for reference.

p.s. legally. rambo with the tucked-in pink shirt and slacks isn’t gonna hit me either, he’s going to be calling the ambulance for the dumdum that aimed a gun at me. dude definitely owns a couple turtlenecks.

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I had to shoot my pony in another thread, but this one is my favorite, I’m calling it “The Apotheosis of Karen”


You ok, buddy? You sound a little too much like Vilainelle…


The yellow mustard stains on her shirt!

Just 5 minutes before this picture was taken she was plopped on the terrace of her Missouri palazzo crushing hotdogs and Kim Crawford Chardonnay, squirting condiments all over herself.

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