Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

So not gated?

This is what the entrance looks like. If the address is correct, you can see the house on the right.

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I wonder if the mayor is on that same street. Looks like you can just step over the gate.

Looks like it:

During the video briefing Friday, Krewson held up a stack of crumpled papers and then read from them.

“Here’s one that wants $50 million to go to Cure Violence, $75 million to go to Affordable Housing, $60 million to go to Health and Human Services and have zero go to the police,” the mayor said. She then read the name of the person and their address.

Krewson listed several other names and addresses, and stated that each individual called for defunding the police entirely. As the mayor spoke, viewers commented and asked her to stop sharing demonstrators’ personal information.

So yeah, some back story here about giving out personal address information.

That’s about the Trumpiest aesthetic I can possibly imagine. Dear leader would be most pleased.

It looks like if you keep going down that street, after about 20 houses, turn right and it’s the fourth house. So, not on that street, but nearby.

Trump thinks it needs a lot more gold.

For what it is, it’s very well done imo.

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Here’s another way in to that subdivision that doesn’t seem to have a gate.

I’d like to make a lot of comments here, but I can’t get past “Midwestern palazzo”.

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I just posted that because, like them, I am a fan of things made out of beautiful dark wood.

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It’s possible the gate was open. Consider the direction the protesters appear to be walking in and where they are likely heading. Where would they be coming from.

Also, I looked up the owners of that house. Between the two of them, they made a total of eight $400 donations to Trump in 2016.

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Not going to kink-shame your beautiful dark wood fetish.

I really want the unabridged Zikzak review of this architectural masterpiece.


They were on a freaking sidewalk, which these people think they own apparently.

This is amazing. She’s clearly well into the 3rd bottle of merlot.


There’s a lot of photographic evidence indicating probably not.

Anyone want to give me the stand-your-ground legal rundown on this.

Once she’s pointing guns at protesters that are not on her property, lets say that one of them quick draw shoots her like Timothy Oliphant in Justified. Is that a legal shoot? Let’s assume the shooter is not black.

Well it’s weird right because the sidewalk is the same brick as the driveway, and they have to maintain it, but it’s also public access.

Could come down to trying to find one protestor setting foot inside the sidewalk.

In my neighborhood, and many others, people put bricks, concrete, flowers etc well into the public property in front of their lot. On the walk streets and the Strand I think all those little strips that people even put lawn furniture out on are public property and you’re free do use them if you want.