Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Rambo movies.


She’s holding a gun too and points it right at the back of her husband’s head.


I grew up hunting and was taught shooting by relatives who won expert marksman awards and shit across multiple branches of the military. Still, I’ve been pheasant hunting when my cousin shot at one passing over my head that I heard the BBs pass by from. I punched him. I tell my old neighbor who is in the military regularly that he’s going to get shot by morons like that.

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How have they not shot each other yet? Also, the lady with the pistol is worse…they way she’s holding it, she’d get a black eye if she actually shot the thing. She looks utterly ridiculous.

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Someone should set some firecrackers off near them and see how they react.


I know nothing about guns, but the way that woman was holiding that gun looked hilarious even to me. I’m glad to learn that my intuition was correct.

yup. it’s worse than rifle guy!


If they don’t want cops to break their property they should paint pictures of Robert E. Lee on it.


Just our well-regulated militia in action.

Living in Versailles and we’re all outta cake.

Too bad Cactus wasn’t jogging by.


So that huge house is just on a main road where protestors are passing by?

As far as I can tell, it’s on a gated, private street.

where are you seeing that? all i see is a side walk.

I got the address and looked it up.


The address and the gun waving folks are doxed in the twitter comments. MO has a brandishing law it seems, and the lady was pointing towards the crowd in the street… so we’ll see if she ends up getting hooked up.

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If it’s gated, how did the protesters get in?

I’m sure the guy at the gate didn’t let them in.

Do the protesters also live in the gated community? Seems unlikely.

That would be some sweet justice if that Karen gets got for that. I know she won’t.


They’re personal injury lawyers of course.

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According to the comments on the thread I posted, it’s just on a wide street and on the way to the Mayor’s house, which is where the protestors were headed.