Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


Chuck and Nancy being their usual selves


Ugh. Heartbreaking. These are the Breonna Taylor protesters, someone showed up and started shooting at them. One dead, one injured, no arrests have been announced. There had been a threat earlier in the day from a white supremacy group, but nothing official has been said about motive. Some bystanders said the shooter was kicked out of the park by protesters earlier, then came back shooting.

I don’t even know how to react to that. I’ve used up all my outrage lately. I’m just shaking my head. Can AOC be Speaker, yet? Please?

JFC thats fucked up. I said way earlier I was surprised some right wing idiot hasn’t gone full on mass shooting yet. This will keep escalating and I entirely blame Trumps rhetoric.

And cool cool, no arrests. There had to be dozens of witnesses and cops near by. But they’re all on the same side so they couldn’t bother trying to arrest him. Won’t be surprised if they never arrest him and if they do Trump pardons him. If that happens that will sink Trump even further IMO and he will lose everyone but his full blown base, which is still like 35% but not enough.

UK police feeling left out.




Wight Lives Matter

For any D&D stans out there





I want to see the follow up as to what the guy does when he runs out of room at"MAT"

Shootings appear to be up since the police have announced they aren’t policing anymore out of spite. Would make a great Season 6 of The Wire.


Maybe they heard there was a luter amongst the violinists





Belongs in the Abolish the State thread - er, I mean Abolish the Police thread.

Fair enough.

No criticism intended - post where you like - or even start an Abolish the State thread!

Confederate flag, Betsy Ross flag, nothing to see here.

It’s not happenstance that most of their “heroes” are phoney. It works better for them that way. It’s meant to be a lie. It’s a measure of power for people to believe obvious lies. 2+2=5. Also, real people don’t always agree with orthodoxy and are harder to dismiss if they stray.

Always be learning. I didn’t know this, and it’s fascinating and sad. And glaringly obvious if you’ve been to LA and stop to actually think about it for even 10 seconds.


First place they mention is Boyle Heights, which is where my dad was born in 1942 and at the time it was like half Jewish and half Hispanic.