Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Back in the day we incorrectly referred to the kids of first cousins as “second cousins,” but I’m not making yet another change for the PC killjoy list, because that’s how they get ya.

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Your kids and their kids are second cousins.

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Oh, they were “third cousins.”

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Weird take. Nothing has changed. Most people used to be satisfied with a fuzzy definition of cousin and most people still are. Some people used to do it precisely with first,second, etc cousin once,twice,etc removed and some people do it that way now.

I’d imagine different cultures/countries define it differently as well

If this is intended to explain cousinhood I get that all kinds of cousins are a unique color, but there’s a lot I don’t like. Aunt/uncle gets a color, but not neice/nephew? If you know it’s a woman it’s an oval, but it’s a rectangle if it’s either a man or man/woman.

It’s not the chart I’d design, but it was an OK one high on the search results.

I don’t really care about any of that but if it turns out I’m not really allowed to sleep with that one because I was mislabeling, it will bring deep shame to my family although I still won’t care.

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Of course. Also note that our culture/language is evolving here too. In English, cousin is unique because it isn’t gendered. I’d expect non-gendered alternates to aunt/uncle and nephew/niece to gain usage going forward.

Kinship terminology - Wikipedia

Trump just tweeted out 15 of these.


Here’s hoping the K-Pop Stans flood the tiplines with absurd tips. Meanwhile, I hope the people in those pictures are seeking asylum in Canada or something. No joke, if they catch them they’re all going to be facing 10+ years on the first charge, and they’re going to stack up all the charges. They’ll be looking at 30-40 years, and their only shot at not doing at least half that time if convicted will be a Democratic president winning an election sometime in the future, which relies on a free and fair election happening.

We’re turning an extremely dark corner. It’s early March of 1933.

Edit: Considered not posting this because I don’t want to share those pictures, but there’s about a 0% chance anyone here is going to do anything bad with it or that we’re putting any eyes on it that would do something bad that wouldn’t already see it.

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I submitted a lot of tips that the pictures looked like my dead relatives.


what an incredible photo

from this:




I don’t get it.


Yeah this is incredibly troubling and scary. That people support this or just ignore this is mind boggling.

There is a statue of Screech in my town square.



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not his best.